My girl, you are the life of the party around here. We enjoy you so much. Every single day just gets better with you.
You started walking this month and haven't stopped going since. Once you decided that you wanted to walk, you were determined to see it happen and did not give up until you were cruising around like it was second nature.
You are a ball of energy. You can go for hours on end without stopping. Napping is take or leave it with you sometimes, but when we are home you definitely love your bed.
You point and shake your little finger at everything you want. You have also started throwing fits when you don't get your way. You dramatically cry and wail until you realize that no one is coming to your rescue and you forget about it.
You love music, babies, your sibling's toys, eating snacks ("na"), walking around with a bottle, screaming at the top of your lungs, giving hugs, and sucking your thumb.
You are super affectionate. You love to give hugs to your brother and sister on your terms, but do not want to be squeezed too much by them. You always reach out to the other kids in the church nursery and say a sweet little "ahhh" as you put your arms around them. It is very sweet!
You love your Daddy and get so excited to see him. You ask for him when you wake in the middle of the night and you first thing in the morning. When you see your Daddy play during worship at church you do this laugh/cry. It is like you are nervous about him being on stage and it upsets you, but at the same time you really want to hear the music. It is precious!
I am so glad that you joined our lives and grateful for all the fun you bring.