Monday, December 30, 2013
Enna- 5 months
I'm almost 2 weeks late in writing this little monthly update and I have no good pictures to contribute, but nevertheless I must write before I skip 5 months altogether!
It's been a busy month and by far my favorite with you. You have suddenly blossomed into such a fun baby and so interactive. The bloody murder screamy days are behind us (crossing fingers) and you are surprising us with your easy-going manner.
You still sleep very little during the day, with a random long nap thrown in every couple weeks or so (I think you finally decide you need to catch up a bit). You do sleep about 13-14 hours a night and wake once (sometimes twice) between 4-6 to eat. You usually are in bed between 7:30-8 and wake anytime from 7:30-9:30, with the average being close to 9am. I love that you sleep in, but wish your brother and sister would sleep longer too! You have no predictable nap routine and I've learned to just throw all expectations or schedule ideas out the will not conform to a set pattern, but just do your thing day in and day out. You can stay awake for hours on end and still be smiling and playing like you have all the energy in the world.
Your favorite things right now:
-putting things in your mouth
-reaching for and grabbing everything(even your feet!)
-scratching on every new surface (Aidan did this same thing)
-playing in your exersaucer (all the time!)
-going places (church, someone's house, anywhere that has new, fun things to look at)
-screaming with delight, giggling at your siblings
-looking at books with fun colors and pictures
-being sung to by Mommy or Daddy
-sucking your thumb
Things you used to hate, but now don't mind:
-riding in the car used to be an all out screamfest, but now you are quiet and happy and often fall asleep (gasp!)
-you went through a phase of being freaked out about baths for a few weeks, but now are fine with it again
-taking walks in the stroller
-sleeping in your bed!
-putting yourself to sleep (this is a case by case basis, but we are making HUGE progress!)
-waking up in your bed (it used to be a horrible tragic thing to find yourself in there, but now you roll over and coo for awhile unless you have a gas bubble)
Oh Enna, you are a constantly changing wonder. You have definitely forsaken the pacifier now and prefer your thumb (only the right one like your older brother did). You do know how to suck it both lying on your back, stomach, or sitting upright in the carseat (which is probably the reason you are the first of our children to fall asleep easily in the car at this age). You finally started soothing yourself to sleep and sometimes lay your head right down, but other naps you scream and roll around and get all worked up. You don't fall fast asleep in the baby carrier anymore, but you still like to be carried. You love to nurse to sleep on occasion, but don't need to and sometimes won't go to sleep even when I try to nurse you to sleep. There just isn't that ONE thing that I can say I've got figure out with you.
You are going to be the life of the party in this family. Oh wait...we already have 2 of those! :) You never want to stop and take a break from the action. You give all sorts of eye contact to people around you and great big smiles. We get lots of comments on how HUGE your mouth opens when you smile (or cry). You are going to a be an early mover I think....not certain, but you seem to want to get places like the other two did.
You got 2 teeth this month (the earliest of the 3), but you are still our tiniest baby overall. At your 4 month appt. (1 week late), you weighed in at 13 lbs. 9 oz. and were 25.5 inches long. The smallest by 1.5 lbs. and longest by 1/2 an inch! You are still a great nurser and eat about 6 times every day. I started you on rice cereal and you still only eat once a day. I've tried a few other foods, but you seem to not like food as much as the cereal (which is pretty much just thickened breastmilk at this point).
You are so sweet and everybody loves you! We are really enjoying you more and more and can't wait to see your personality blossom even more in the coming months.
monthly updates
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