Friday, June 21, 2013

Our Week Without Kids

On May 29th, we boarded a plane to SC for a whole week away from our kids. I was extremely nervous about leaving them because I thought they would be sad and miss us and all that jazz, but that really didn't end up being the case at all. :)

It was fun from the get-go. We were by ourselves and it was so nice to just sit on the plane and do whatever I wanted (crochet, read, play word games, chat with my husband). 

We arrived in the afternoon and hung out with our friends that evening/night. The next day we got up and started getting ready to drive to the beach, with plans to get there around dinner time. 

We ended up spending 2 nights there and it was glorious! It was so nice to be with friends and to not have the constraints of dealing with small children. While I did miss them a little while we were there, and thought about all the fun we could be having with them, I still enjoyed the last bit of true relaxation I am going to have for awhile.

Being 8 months pregnant on this trip did make it a little bit tiring at times, but you can enjoy the beach no matter what the situation!

 Me and  Jenny (one of my dear friends from SC). It was so nice to have time to fellowship with friends while we sat all day in the sun!

 We had our friend take this quick shot of us to prove we were actually both there. The weather was so nice and just perfect for this time of year!

There is nothing quite so enjoyable as lying out on the beach ALL day. We literally spend the entire day sitting out and it was lovely. I think we didn't make it to dinner that night until 10pm. Nothing quite like being child-less. :)

We got back on a Saturday, spent the evening playing cards with our friends and staying up way too late and then got up and spent Sunday at our church in SC, had lunch with some friends, a nice nap at our hotel, and then dinner with our sweet friends/small group leaders from church.

I started feeling crummy Sunday night later and ended up having the worst sore throat for the last 2 days there. I really didn't feel like doing anything and was pretty pooped from all the relaxing at the beach (ha!). Came home to my kids late Tuesday night still feeling poorly and spent the rest of the week on my own at home with the kids and suffering from a continued sore throat (lasted all in all for 9 days!). I later figured out that I was dealing with allergies, but with my limited ability to take medicine as a pregnant person, I wasn't able to do much but ride it out.

All in all, it was so nice to take a vacation like this before we have baby #3. We really haven't had the opportunity to leave our kids for a week before and they did great with their grandparents. I think they had a little too much fun because they kept asking for them after I returned. I was definitely not missed as much as I assumed I would be!

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