Friday, June 15, 2012

Nora: 21 months

My sweet little girl,

You are a bundle of sweet and sassy, with a flare of drama mixed in between. In some ways you can be both predictable and unpredictable at this age. You are always easy going, super content and self-entertained when away from home or in any new environment. At home you are sometimes busy and content for hours while other days you fling yourself around and scream or cry to be held all day.  I am just happy that the latter happens less often than the former.

You are downright funny these days, repeating our every word and saying all sorts of funny sentences that you hear. I love to hear your little voice and you LOVE to talk. You have finally figured out how to say "yes" when asked a question although you usually say "no," pause, and say "yesh." It makes me sad to think that someday I won't hear your cute little 1 year old responses to questions.

You are such a girly girl. You love shoes and dressing up, wearing hats and carrying purses, wearing jewelry, pushing strollers, taking care of babies, and getting your toenails painted. You are such a "little mama" to your dolls and babies and have to carry them with you everywhere. You sleep with several stuffed animals and babies, as well as books, blankets, and other toys.

You love books right now. You love to sit and look at them for long periods of time and you love to be read to as well. You usually read to yourself before you fall asleep for naps and nighttime. I can usually count on finding you sound asleep on top of a book most days.

You still love to eat... all the time. You love snacks and all sorts of weird foods. Things you don't like: hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, deli meat, vegetables. Things you love: hummus, tortillas, soup, pasta, peanut butter (by the spoon!), fruit, crackers, apple sauce, and anything else that you dip into (salsa, dressing, etc...).

You are a lot of fun and I love getting to know you better as your personality begins to develop and your communication becomes more consistent. You love life! Most people ask me "is she always that happy?" when we are out together because you love to smile and giggle at everyone. You also say "happy" a lot and sing "oh happy day" when in the car.

I love you little girl!


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