Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Painting the Driveway

I found a seriously cool, easy, safe, fun activity for the kids. And the best part about it was that I had everything I needed to whip this up and use on a day where we were needing a little something to get us through until dinnertime (if you know what I mean). Thank you, Pinterest.

All you need:

1 cup cornstarch
1 cup water
food coloring

I was a little concerned about the cleanup of the "paint" and whether it would stain clothes, but it was no big deal at all.

The cool thing was the way it dried was very smooth and and a fun texture. The kids liked touching their dried paintings and then had a really fun time washing it all away with the hose!

This really did keep them busy and I loved that it was stress free. I didn't worry about it getting on clothes, in mouths, etc...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dear Diary

I shrunk the curtains in my kitchen and fire ants invaded my counter tops overnight. My children are having screaming contests in the living room. No one came to my mom's group and I felt a little like the girl who always gets picked last during recess. Good thing I didn't get up early and make scones. Nora had a blow out diaper, a byproduct of consuming way too many blueberries yesterday, and I had only dried out baby wipes and her brother's shorts (praise the Lord) to remedy the situation. I downed an iced mocha from Mcdonald's and let the kids smear yogurt on their faces. I burned some almond milk I was trying to warm up. I got bit by a fire ant. I couldn't find our kid's shampoo anywhere. Sometimes being a grown up stinks.

Yours truly,


Friday, June 15, 2012

Kids Photo Shoot: May 2012

Last month I had an impromptu photo shoot with the kids and got some cute pictures of them. They are rarely this sweet to each other, but I'm glad I captured these moments. Now I just need to decide which I like best and put some on our walls!

Nora: 21 months

My sweet little girl,

You are a bundle of sweet and sassy, with a flare of drama mixed in between. In some ways you can be both predictable and unpredictable at this age. You are always easy going, super content and self-entertained when away from home or in any new environment. At home you are sometimes busy and content for hours while other days you fling yourself around and scream or cry to be held all day.  I am just happy that the latter happens less often than the former.

You are downright funny these days, repeating our every word and saying all sorts of funny sentences that you hear. I love to hear your little voice and you LOVE to talk. You have finally figured out how to say "yes" when asked a question although you usually say "no," pause, and say "yesh." It makes me sad to think that someday I won't hear your cute little 1 year old responses to questions.

You are such a girly girl. You love shoes and dressing up, wearing hats and carrying purses, wearing jewelry, pushing strollers, taking care of babies, and getting your toenails painted. You are such a "little mama" to your dolls and babies and have to carry them with you everywhere. You sleep with several stuffed animals and babies, as well as books, blankets, and other toys.

You love books right now. You love to sit and look at them for long periods of time and you love to be read to as well. You usually read to yourself before you fall asleep for naps and nighttime. I can usually count on finding you sound asleep on top of a book most days.

You still love to eat... all the time. You love snacks and all sorts of weird foods. Things you don't like: hot dogs, burgers, sandwiches, deli meat, vegetables. Things you love: hummus, tortillas, soup, pasta, peanut butter (by the spoon!), fruit, crackers, apple sauce, and anything else that you dip into (salsa, dressing, etc...).

You are a lot of fun and I love getting to know you better as your personality begins to develop and your communication becomes more consistent. You love life! Most people ask me "is she always that happy?" when we are out together because you love to smile and giggle at everyone. You also say "happy" a lot and sing "oh happy day" when in the car.

I love you little girl!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Memorial Day: Tubing at the Lake

On Memorial Day, we went to the lake with our small group from church. We grilled out for lunch and then went to the swim beach for awhile. The kids love to swim and Nora is all over the place. She seriously has no fear which is kinda scary at times.

We also had the privilege of going out on our friend's boat to go tubing. This was the first time the kids had been on a boat and it was very exciting. Aidan was the first to try out tubing with Seth and he really wasn't a fan. I think he cried part of the time and looked miserable. When they got back in the boat, Nora was all ready to go. I was really apprehensive about sending her out there, but she really wanted to go so I gave in. She loved it! She had such a huge smile on her face. I think she is going to be one daring child.

 Aidan on the tube with Daddy

 Nora's turn!

  Aidan preferred actually riding in the boat and talked about if for days

I just love this! It so sums up her little personality.

It was great having my sister with us too! Love these two so much!

I got to go out tubing without the children and got quite the wild ride.I definitely visited the chiropractor a few times the following week. I guess I am getting old. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beach Trip 5/25/12

My sister came to visit us last week. It was so much fun and so great to see her. The 2nd day she was here we decided to take a trip to Isle of Palms Beach near Charleston. It was a great day for it because we beat the Memorial day crowd and the weather was perfect. It started raining right when we got there for the first 10 minutes or so, but then was sunny and breezy the rest of the day. The water was cool, but refreshing, so we all got in plenty. It was fun getting the chance to boogie board with the husband. I don't think I've done that since college.

Nora and her new sunglasses, enjoying the drive to Charleston

The clouds were so beautiful

Aunt Steph and Nora

Checking out the waves

I think she likes it here!

Trying to get a picture with my girl

Nora was dragging me all over the place!

Running into the water together!

If for any reason we ever move from SC, I will most definitely miss the easy beach access. We are so enjoying the close proximity and ease of day trips.

Last Day of Preschool

So, blogging has taken a huge backseat right now. It is hard enough for me to remember to take pictures, but then to actually document anything just seems like it takes me forever. We are just busy.

Aidan had his last day of preschool May 24. It was such a major blessing to have him go this year. He really loved it and made some really good memories. He would ask if every day was a school day and be immediately disappointed when it wasn't. He went 3 mornings a week, and while it was hard on me doing all the driving back and forth, I was grateful we were able to have this opportunity.

Here's his first and last day of preschool pictures. And, yes, he is wearing the same shirt. :)

He really has grown up a lot this last year. So hard to believe!