You are a hoot! I selected this picture because it sums you up so well right now. You are expressive, funny, and you enjoy life to the fullest. You have us laughing all the time.
You are turning into such a big girl these days. You want to do everything your brother does and it is really sweet to watch you imitate him (as long as it's good behavior). You want to eat your meals at the big table and sometimes I let you even though you are much more easily contained in your highchair still. You have started to ask to use the potty and have been successful at going, but I am not quite ready to train you yet. You are putting yourself to sleep now for both naptime and bedtime. And you are communicating really well. You repeat most words and some phrases too. You love to repeat what Aidan says the most.
You have decided not to be afraid of water anymore which is great! You love the baby pool and you loved the lake when we went last weekend. You are becoming quite the little fish!
You are adventurous, but also cautious. You are silly and shy. You are expressive and you are still. You are loud and you are quiet. You are cuddly and you are busy.
You love reading books lately and have a great attention span for some of our longer books. I think you love just sitting with Aidan and listening to me read because it makes you feel grown up somehow. You interact a lot with the books and seem to follow some of the stories too.
You love Dora and Woody (Toy Story)! You are very expressive when you watch tv and you really like to watch a movie in the car on long drives (this is nice because it keeps you from fussing the whole time).
You love your new baby "La la" and you sleep with 3 babies, one "doll," and sometimes a few books and blankets too. You crib is always full of things and I usually go in after you fall asleep and take some of the stuff out. You love to talk to your babies until you fall asleep. And speaking of sleep, you are sleeping so well. You are our late morning person and usually sleep until about 8-8:30 most mornings. Too bad some of that doesn't rub off on your brother! I think you sleep so late because we put you to bed later than we did Aidan at this age. You have always been a night owl and can seem to stay up forever.
You love to play outside and you say "play" every time you see a fast food restaurant with a play place. You like the nursery at church and you really want to go to preschool with Aidan.
I almost always hear from others that you are so pleasant, content, easily entertained, and very easy going. Which is true as long as you have your way and plenty of food to eat. :) You still love eating more than any other activity and you are quite the little chunk. We love it!
You are a blessing and such a fun sweet girl to be around!
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