Wednesday, April 18, 2012

19 months


You turned 19 months last week. That means you are getting closer to being 2 and that is so crazy because it seems like just yesterday you were my little baby.

One thing that has made you seem more grown-up these days is your ability to put yourself to sleep for nap and bed without rocking to sleep. We will occasionally rock you (like last night) to sleep when you are cuddly, but you are putting yourself down most of the time. And it's been a little over a month now since we stopped nursing and you don't seem to miss it anymore.

You are turning into quite the spunky little miss. I would definitely say that you have turned things up a few notches in the personality department and are starting to give us a little run for our money. You are an excellent screamer, and have started throwing fits when something doesn't go the way you want. I can usually count on a really good fit in Wal-mart every time we go. You have a strong set of lungs and you definitely are loud. Someone commented to me that I need to start you in singing lessons. On the other hand, you can be quiet and shy in some circumstances and seem very easygoing and laid back. It is hard to tell when you are going to be one or the other.

You love to be outside. Playing outdoors is such a fun activity to you and you love our neighbor's daughter "Lexi." You say her name often and want to always go over and see her. You hate coming indoors and usually pitch a fit or run away if you see us heading for the door.

You love to sing. You can sing, "Yes, Jesus Loves Me" and you chime in on "My God is So Big", and "Old Macdonald" too. You also sing "La la la la la" to "Every Move I Make."

The cutest thing you say is "Oh man!" which you most likely got from a combination of watching Dora and hearing us say it. You call Swiper "oh man" and you also yell it all the time. Usually you say, "Oh mess!" while dumping something out on the floor and then continue with, "Oh man, Oh no!" You are a character for sure.

You still love to eat all sorts of things and are pretty easy to please in that department except when you want candy or cake and can't have any. Then you are just mad. :)

I have been writing down some of the words you can say and I think you are close to about 150.

Here's some of the list:

vitamin, oatmeal, oh man, mess, go, do, that, this, in, out, on, up, down, hold me, help me, please, thank you, dog, book, read, flower, doll, baby, cup, drink, pizza, cracker, fruit snack, candy, eat, water, juice, milk, more, berries, grapes, banana, goldfish, spoon, rock (rocking chair), night night, bye, hi, blankie, bed, chair, Aidan, purse, bag, bucket, hand, sand, movie, Dora, smoothie, potty, pee pee, shoes, toes, eyes, ears, nose, teeth, hair, bow, ouch, run, walk, me, no, yes jesus loves me, duck, mouse, horse, baa, fish, bee, bug, kitty, pig, two, three, five, six, van, car, phone, keys, done, egg, cheese, Mimi, Papa, Steph, Papi, Mita, Daddy, Mama, Lexi, bike, hat, necklace, glasses, umbrella, mine, jump, rain, balloon, swing, happy plane, pretty, basket, step, bubbles, sit, boots, books, house, tree, wagon, stroller, money, Nora, cookie, ball, diaper, wipe, sticker, bear, draw, monkey, clothes, outside, sauce-apple sauce, play, hot, cold, shirt, bath, belly, piece, bite, push, pull, stuck, ice

You are quite the communicator and we love it!

You have brought such joy and happiness into our lives. I can't wait to watch you grow even more.

Love you,


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