Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Morning Madness

We've had the sickies around here. Well, really just Aidan, but it has affected us all. Stomach bugs are the worst and even though it's been a couple days since it started I felt it best to keep both kids home from church.

Can I just say that Nora is rocking the headband today... :)

1 comment:

  1. hey krista!

    thank you for the sweet comment! i totally understand what you mean about having both people working creating stress. trying to juggle the schedules and find time for each other, friends, etc. is my biggest point of stress. i really appreciate the tone of your comment--good points to think on but not judgmental at all. love the note about the prov. 31 woman as well--never thought about her being successful at anything but being a wife and mother. hope you have a great evening and enjoy your kids! :)
