Okay, little one, you are no longer a baby, but a busy toddler...where have these months gone?
You were sick for the entire month of November with a horrible ear infection. I thought you were never going to be the same again. It was a rough, rough month and probably the worst I've had with you. There were lots of sleepless nights, days of crying, Dr. visits, and yucky medicine.
But, we made it through somehow and we are starting to see that sunny side of you again. And, oh, how we have missed it!
You are still an awesome eater. You seem to prefer foods that are more diverse in taste. You scarf down dinners of sweet potato quesadillas, spaghetti, and soup like it's the best thing you've ever had. You are still not a big fan of veggies, but you will eat frozen peas because it feels good on your swollen gums. Your new favorite snack is popcorn. I was reluctant to give it to you at such a young age, but you pleaded and pleaded and have since had it several times.
You are starting to run fast, climb on things, and even try new things (like jumping). You still have yet to figure that last one out though. I can usually count on you to get up and down from the couch okay (something I could never trust Aidan with at this age). You are also good about actually sitting on chairs and not standing. If we find you standing, you sit down when told.
You are getting to be really good at following instructions. I am amazed at your ability to understand us, but you seem to be very attuned to what is going on around you.
One huge thing we have been working on with you is putting yourself to sleep...and weaning you from nursing. We haven't been 100% successful with either, but there is slow and steady progress towards these. You still wake in the night and need to be comforted sometimes, but most of the time you put yourself back to sleep. You are starting to drink more from your sippy cup and seem to be accepting of less nursing time, but you still ask for it often.
My favorite thing you did this month:
When I went to pick you up in the nursery at church, you saw me and smiled, but went and got your diaper bag out of the cubby, put it on your shoulder, and walked towards me. I love your little grown-upness.
You are a blessing and joy. You make us smile with all your little giggles and you love every one so much. You are so social and sweet and say "hi" whenever you see other kids. I love the sweetness of this age.
I love you!
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