Monday, November 7, 2011

The day they dressed up...

Okay, so it's been a week since Halloween and I have yet to post pictures of the kids in their little get-ups.

Basically, our week has been somewhat crazy. Nora was diagnosed with an ear infection the day after Halloween. She has been on and off cranky. We had a busy weekend and Aidan now has a severe double ear infection. So, crazy times.

Here's my Spiderman and little monkey:

Aidan and his friend Adam

The "real" Spiderman

Nora clapping...she was totally
 excited about the whole affair.

Happy girl (with an ear infection). :)

Pink bow to add some girlie to the costume

Aidan getting candy!
This pretty much sums up the night:

Aidan yelling "prick or preat" (he can't say his "t" sound with an "r") enthusiastically and running as fast as he could to each house

Aidan tripping a million times

Nora laughing, clapping, and saying "ee, ee" for her monkey

It was fun. This was the first real time we took the kids trick or treating. Since I didn't really grow up doing so, it is a weird little holiday to me. I'm not sure how we'll celebrate in the future, but the kids had fun dressing up. I think I'd rather have a costume party and give out candy next year though.

1 comment:

  1. Your children are the cutest in all the world and I'm so proud to be their aunt. I'm sad I'm missing out watching them grow up and being a part of all these fun events.
