Thursday, October 13, 2011

13 months

Sweet baby girl,

You are no longer a baby it seems, but so much so at the same time.

You are walking everywhere with much ease and grace. You are busy and want to be riding bikes and scooters with all the big kids. You love riding on the back of Aidan's "car" and bike with him. I think you are going to be a wild one.

You are still very easy going and content to busy yourself with toys. As long as you are feeling okay, you are so easy peasy. You are flexible and sweet, and love your babies more than anything. I love watching you talk to your babies and push them in the stroller. So sweet!

You are still not the best sleeper. Getting better, but there has been some recent regression. You are still struggling to take one good nap every day, but I am slowly seeing some hope for that. You also have started waking up way too early in the morning wanting to nurse. You go back to sleep some days and don't on others. I still nurse you to sleep for nap and bedtime, although if you don't fall asleep you are able to do so on your own after a little bit of rocking.

You are a cuddler. I wonder if I will be nursing you at 2 years old. We are still nursing 3 times a day. You love that time with mommy. You love to be rocked and held and often lay your head down on our shoulders and put your arms around our necks. Heart melts every time!

You are saying several words: Mama, Dada, Aidan, shoes, baby, thank you, step, dance, touch, fish, "e-i-e-i-o", hi, bye, hot, bath, this,"boo", thank you, woof woof, and I think you say drink. You also mimic all sorts of sounds and clap your hands. You are extremely perceptive and try hard to communicate with us.

You still love to eat. You enjoy having snacks in a snack cup and love to munch all day. If we don't share our food it makes you mad. You prefer to feed yourself and want to spoon it into your own mouth, not eat it from us. I like you independent eating habits because I am still feeding your brother most of his meals, so it  frees me up a little. :)

You are so smart. You observe the world around you with a keen eye and mimic what you see others doing.  It is amazing to see all that you pick up from just watching people closely.

You continue to love putting things in odd places. It makes me laugh to find toys under the stove after looking for them for days.

You have the best scrunchy nose smile and your hair sticks straight up. You are a cutie.

You had an ear infection recently and are teething so your neediness as of late has been exhausting. I look forward to the teeth coming in and returning to more happy days with you.

I love you Nora, forever and always.


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