Here's what has been going on in a nutshell:
Due to inconsistent rides to work for Seth, we started a serious car search this past week. With Aidan starting preschool in just 2 days, we needed a way for me to actually take him there. So, as of last night, we are now, after almost a year, a 2 car family again. We found a very inexpensive old car we hope will last us for at least a little while.
Nora is still struggling to take one good nap a day even though she decided to drop the morning nap on her own. She also seems to be working on her molars and having issues sleeping through the night again (surprised?--I say not). She turns one on Sept. 10th and is walking all over the place.
Aidan has just been finicky. All sweetness and then extreme naughtiness all wrapped up in the same little 3 year old package. He has been a little "up and down" which is similar to how he was when we first moved to SC. I am thinking the new house and schedule are causing some adjustment for him. He starts preschool on Tuesday.
I have been in major craft mode....mostly late at night when little ones are sleeping, dishes are still piled high, and floors unswept. And because I really don't have much more to say, here are some more pictures of things I am working on. My current project is a tutu and hat set for a newborn. Can't wait to finish it. A new blog for all things crafty is in the works and my sister and I are setting up our shop. Hopefully we'll be good to go sometime this week. Then, you'll probably hear less about crafts and more about the fam on here.
these hats are INSANE.