Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pennsylvania Trip 2011 Days 1-4

I decided last minute to move our travel dates up one day because as I started packing, I realized that I just wanted to go ahead and get it all together and leave.

The kids in our new van all ready to go

Our favorite way to start an early road trip

The sun was bright red in the sky

So, we got up at 5:30am on Friday, July 21st and left the house around 6:15. We, of course, had to stop for our travel breakfast at Chick-fil-a before we could officially get going. I had expected that Nora might fall asleep in the car as we rode out, but she was too least for the first little while. After a whole of nearly 13 hours in the car, Nora napping only 40 minutes in total, and a long exhausting delay in stand still traffic, we made it to our destination. We were a bit harried after all the crying, toddler requests, and lack of sleep, but so happy to have made it all in one piece. We arrived at my Grandma's house for a late supper and then drove to "the camp" where we were staying. It was a late night for the kids once we finally settled and Nora was up several times in the night.

 This is how Nora spent just 40 minutes of the car ride

Sitting in D.C traffic

The first day at the camp was spent quite leisurely. We drove into town for some frozen yogurt and a quick trip to Target. The afternoon was spent swimming and visiting with my extended family (we have a yearly family reunion at my aunt and uncle's camp). We spent the evening playing games and had another restless night of sleeping.

 Eating frozen yogurt: our favorite!

 Little Caspian

 Nora's snack box

First time playing the piano

Sunday morning we had a time of worship and sharing outside in the camp gazebo, followed by a potluck lunch and an afternoon of swimming. There was the annual ice cream making, settlers of catan playing, and general enjoyment of catching up with cousins and meeting new babies.

 Seth leading us in worship

 Reading together during the sharing time

 My aunt and uncle playing for us

 Nathan (my brother) and Xan


 Aunt Eileen and little Judah

 Aidan and Steph (sister)

 Mom and Caspian

Grandma and Nora

Newest additions to the family

Me and my sis

Monday morning we loaded up and drove a few hours in torrential downpour to a small town right outside of Mifflinburg, PA to spend the week with just my family. It was only about 2.5 hours away, but seemed to take forever because Nora cried the majority of the drive. After arriving and settling in, we drove into town to get some food for the week, leaving the kids behind with the men. We enjoyed a yummy dinner together, a short time of family worship, and played Settlers of Catan after the kids went to bed.

 Playing checkers at the big cabin

 Cousins reading together

Trying corn on the cob for the first time

 Family worship time

Dad and Nora-sweetness

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