Friday, May 27, 2011

I hate big bugs...ain't no lie.

I don't know why these things seem to always happen to me...

Wednesday night, as I was nursing Nora around 11pm, I felt something crawling on my arm.... Now, let me tell you something you may not know about SC. Their bugs are on some serious steroids! They are HUGE! And, they like to come in my bathroom. But, on my arm...that is just beyond me. So I look down to see a 5 inch long roach crawling up my arm. I am not exaggerating one bit. The first time I saw one of these after we moved here I flipped out. So, it crawled to the back of the rocking chair and I jumped up while nursing Nora, who was now fast asleep, and ran out of the room to get Seth. When we went back in, we couldn't find the darn thing.

I don't know about you...but bugs on my arm, just gross me out. GIANT ROACHES from horror movies are way worse. We removed things from under the bed, looked behind furniture and scoured that room. I was not going to go to bed with that thing alive. Alas, the clock struck 12 and there was no bug to be seen. So, we went to bed. I wore my winter pj's in an attempt to cover myself, but it just didn't do anything for my psyche. I was freaking out. I must have fallen asleep at some point (the last I saw the clock it was after 2am), between worrying about roaches getting me, sweating profusely, and getting up with Nora who was crying a lot and coming down with a cold.

The next morning Nora woke up at 6:30 and I was only starting to enjoy the first half of my required sleep. I got her up, nursed her and put her in bed with me. She sat up grinning, coughed, and threw up her entire stomach contents on my face and pillow. Then, she started crying, and cried off and on for most of the morning. We took her to the Dr. to find out that she has severe ear infections in both ears. Once we gave her numbing ear drops she finally relaxed a little.

So, yesterday was just crazy to say the least. And, I kept shaking out clothes and looking for that stupid roach all day, half hoping to find it and half freaking out and wondering what I would do if I did. So far, we've had about 5 of these things in our apartment, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I have been the one to happen upon them. Then, last night, around 10:30, I walked into our bathroom and there it was on the wall....and it was HUGE. The biggest one yet. And, on the opposite wall was it's little sidekick, almost as huge, but not as mean. I ran out to find my husband, shoved him in the bathroom, closed the door, and said, "You are not coming out until both of those things are dead." How nice of me, huh? Seth, a.k.a. Roach Killer Extraordinaire, is now my hero.

The things are dead, but I seriously cannot stop shaking out cushions, tiptoeing into the bathroom, taping my mouth shut at night (okay, not true), and freaking out every time I nurse my baby. I now must wean my child, or experience panic attacks for the next several months.

P.S. This is even worse than passing a kidney stone (no idea why in the world I had one unless they are attributed to stress) on my birthday less than 2 weeks ago. Yes, sadly, another true story. I'm 26 now. And I feel old. 


  1. I'm pretty much speechless. ew ew and ew and oh my gosh. my jaw was dropped open the entire time I read this.
