Thursday, March 10, 2011

6 months!


My sweet little girl you are already 1/2 way to one year. I can't believe how big you are getting. You have changed so much this past month and it has been great to see your fun personality emerging. What a joy you are! You are so happy and have constant smiles for us. You also love to squeal, especially at Aidan.

This month you started to become more mobile. You now roll and scoot backwards to get where you want to go and you rock back and forth on your hands and knees trying desperately to propel forward. It won't be long until you are crawling. When you don't want to sleep, you roll over on your back and babble or scream until we come and get you. You sit well by yourself, but seem to prefer being on your tummy to play. You have also started talking more....your favorite noises are bababa and dadadada. We love hearing your sweet little voice.

You are still quite the eater. You now eat breakfast (cereal and banana/apple) and dinner (veggies) every day. You also nurse several times during the day and again usually in the night. You even tried a pretzel this month, left by Aidan for your tasting pleasure. Luckily, we found you in time before you came to any harm. You watch us eating with such interest and I know you are going to love trying new foods in the coming months. You can drink well out of a sippy cup and you even drink out of cup if we let you. I was so relieved that you finally took breastmilk out of a sippy cup since you completely refused a bottle for all these months. Your first tooth cut through a few days ago and the second one is almost in too, so you are gnawing on everything!

Your sleep habits are so unlike your brother it completely baffles me sometimes. You take 2 good naps a day and a 3rd short catnap some days. I think you are trying to drop that nap, but since you still love a late bedtime, it is a little difficult for you to make it so many hours without sleeping. You stay awake a couple hours at a time and can last even 3-4 hours without sleep if we are out and about. You still like to nurse to sleep sometimes when you are over tired or not feeling well. You don't hardly ever go to sleep before 9pm, have a dreamfeed around 11 and still wake up most nights at least once. You have given me a few stretches of sleeping through the night this month, but I've decided that you will probably be more consistent with that when you get older. You sometimes take very long naps (3.5 hours), but you can last on 45 minutes if you have to. You are still super flexible about everything which is great!

You love Aidan. You squeal at him, watch him play, and just all around freak out when he is around. You don't like when he is rough with you and will protest after too many tight hugs and smothering kisses, but for the most part you just enjoy having him around. He can be loud, wild, and crazy, but you just put up with it like it is no big deal. I love that about you. I also am surprised you can sleep through all the tantrums, crying, and drum playing that goes on when you are napping. Amazing!

You are a sweet cuddly bug and I just hate to see you growing up. I love this little person you are becoming, but I know I'm going to miss your little sweet baby-ness. You have been such a wonderful blessing to your Dad and I and we are so thankful for such a content little baby as we have made such a huge transition in our lives. You make each day full of light and fun and you make us laugh, even when you are lying in our bed at 10:30pm babbling away like you couldn't possibly sleep. You love us...and that makes it so much fun. You light up for your Daddy when he comes home and you love any attention he gives you. And, after I've been gone, you again scream with excitement to see me.

I love you Nora Cadence!

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  1. she really looks like you in this pic!

  2. Cute! I aspire to be like you friend. You are so good and writing and taking the time to do so to your children. They will cherish that forever! Hope all is well in SC! XOXO
