Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 months


My precious sweet baby...you are 5 months old and I can't believe it. I am a little late in writing this letter because of all the sickness that has gone on in our house the past few days, but we are thankfully on the mend. Well, except for you, that is.

This month has been huge for you. You are now able to roll both ways (back to stomach was just conquered a couple days ago) and you can sit well when supported. You love to play and you stay so busy with all your toys. Your emerging personality is so fun! You are so giggly and you squeal all the time. You laugh at Aidan....a lot. You have started staying in the nursery at church most Sundays and you seem to stay pretty happy with strangers, but you still need your Mama...a lot.

You are taking about 3 naps a day. Eating every 2-4 hours during the day. You are sometimes consistent for a few days and then you get off. Needless to say, you are still flexible. If you skip a nap, you survive. If you want to eat after 2 hours, you do, but then sometimes you go for long stretches too. You will not take a bottle, but you are starting to figure out a sippy cup and you actually took some breastmilk out of a cup the other day. That was huge progress! You are also eating rice cereal like a champ and have tried avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, and banana so far. You love to eat and want to eat anything we are eating, even though you can't. You only eat food about once a day right now, but I think you are ready for 2 meals. As far as sleeping goes.....you sleep about 3-5 hours during the day and anywhere from 9-12 hours at night. You started sleeping through the night for a good 5 day stretch and you almost had me fooled, but then you went to waking a few times again. You are currently sleeping about 8 hours straight and I hope that just continues to grow.

Nora, you are a priceless treasure. You make life lots of fun and you have really brought such joy to our small family. We all love you dearly. You are still so content and sweet and it is wonderful!

I thank God for you daily!


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