Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I saved this dollhouse, garage, and accessories from being dumped in the trash. I went to buy a used double jogger off Craigslist and found them throwing this stuff away. I unashamedly asked if I could have it and loaded it in the car. Ummmm....can you say big time score?

My lovely Schwinn double jogger that I got for just $35. Yes, it was a steal. And, the kids love it and I love it.
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Can't Stand It!

This baby is just too stinkin cute, I seriously can't stand it. She brings me such joy!
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Haircut {Big Boy Version}

Aidan had his first major haircut. We've kept it pretty long until now, but we got out the ol' clippers last night and had at it. He wasn't a fan. As you can see, he was very happy to be done.
I told him to "pose" for me. This was the result. Hilarious!
Cannot believe my little guy will be 3 in less than 2 months!
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So He Says...

The other day I asked Aidan if he was trying to frustrate us with his behavior.
His reply: "I'm just making you peanuts."
He often hears me say "That's driving me nuts!", but this is the first time he said this and we burst out laughing. It was a good comic relief during our frustration with him. He has been quite the handful these days.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

5 months


My precious sweet baby...you are 5 months old and I can't believe it. I am a little late in writing this letter because of all the sickness that has gone on in our house the past few days, but we are thankfully on the mend. Well, except for you, that is.

This month has been huge for you. You are now able to roll both ways (back to stomach was just conquered a couple days ago) and you can sit well when supported. You love to play and you stay so busy with all your toys. Your emerging personality is so fun! You are so giggly and you squeal all the time. You laugh at Aidan....a lot. You have started staying in the nursery at church most Sundays and you seem to stay pretty happy with strangers, but you still need your Mama...a lot.

You are taking about 3 naps a day. Eating every 2-4 hours during the day. You are sometimes consistent for a few days and then you get off. Needless to say, you are still flexible. If you skip a nap, you survive. If you want to eat after 2 hours, you do, but then sometimes you go for long stretches too. You will not take a bottle, but you are starting to figure out a sippy cup and you actually took some breastmilk out of a cup the other day. That was huge progress! You are also eating rice cereal like a champ and have tried avocado, sweet potatoes, carrots, and banana so far. You love to eat and want to eat anything we are eating, even though you can't. You only eat food about once a day right now, but I think you are ready for 2 meals. As far as sleeping goes.....you sleep about 3-5 hours during the day and anywhere from 9-12 hours at night. You started sleeping through the night for a good 5 day stretch and you almost had me fooled, but then you went to waking a few times again. You are currently sleeping about 8 hours straight and I hope that just continues to grow.

Nora, you are a priceless treasure. You make life lots of fun and you have really brought such joy to our small family. We all love you dearly. You are still so content and sweet and it is wonderful!

I thank God for you daily!


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Monday, February 14, 2011


Sleepless nights...cough.....medication....cough....headaches....cough....neti pot....cough.....peppermint tea. We've been sick. All of us. Well, except for Nora. That is enough to make me rejoice even with an ongoing sinus headache. Seth took 2 days off work last week and we spent the last 4 days cooped up and trying to get well. I am still feeling a little under the weather today, but everyone else seems to be on the mend.
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Monday, February 7, 2011

What is really valuable...

You know you need to vacuum when you nearly cut your hand on a small piece of dried food embedded in the carpet. Even though the apartment is about 97% carpet, there is no excuse for the overwhelming amount of food particles that can be seen. And, when one of your children starts using said pieces as ammunition against you, you really have a problem.

I spent the day in my pajamas. I had a splitting headache. It was a hum drum day. I thought a lot. I thought about being 25. I wondered how in the world I have 2 children. Yet, I carried them for 9 months, labored, gave birth, and have been paying my dues in getting up at night, cleaning up after their messes etc...This stuff ages you! I mean, I am 25 and I wish I was driving a minivan (really, at this point, any car would do, but you get the idea). I haven't had my hair cut in at least a year, I don't shower every day, and I sometimes don't even brush my teeth. Anybody with me on this? Or am I the only young mom that feels so out of the loop that when asked the question "What is your personal style?" or "What designer do you most follow?" I about pooped my pants. Yes...you read that right. Seriously, I wanted to just start laughing hysterically. And, why, you may ask, was I being asked such questions? I had an interview for a job...at The Limited. And let me tell you, I felt so ridiculously out of place! The interview went well, but I have my doubts still. I mean, all the fashion questions were so uncomfortable for me...cause my "real" answers would be something like, "I wear the same sweats several days in a row," or "Spit-up is the latest trend in my household."

Sometimes I feel like I am the only mother lost in a world of spit-up stained clothes, nursing bras, and highly unfashionable attire. I don't remember the last time I actually bought an entire outfit for myself and it surely was not at The Limited, but probably on some 80% off rack at a department store. I wonder if it will always be this hard to feel "together." But, you know, I came home, to my messy, not vacuumed apartment, and I saw the smiling faces waiting for me, and I realized that even though I often look like a disaster, I am loved by these little ones that call me "Mama." They don't care if I wear the same shirt day after day, or if my hair is standing on end. They just like me to sit on the floor, read books, tickle them, sing, and cuddle them close. That it more valuable to me than shopping at an expensive store and looking like I jumped out of the latest fashion magazine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Beautiful Day

Some friends came by to take a walk to the park with us on this beautiful day. Couldn't help taking a picture of the overwhelming cuteness of these two holding hands.

As we were about to come inside Aidan was playing in some bushes and got "attacked" by a puppy that somebody was out walking with, but didn't have on a leash. He freaked out and fell down and all I could hear was screaming, but I couldn't get my stroller (with le bebe inside) to lock in place, so I was a little delayed in coming to his rescue. He was fine. Just upset from being knocked over. I asked him if the dog jumped on him and he said, "Yeah, and smelled on me." His main concern seemed to be that he didn't want the puppy getting his ball (he had a tennis ball he was playing with) so I am guessing he won't be traumatized by the event.

Then later, right as A was going down for his nap, I coudn't find my phone anywhere and figured I lost it somewhere on the trail because it had been in my pocket. Sure enough, I found it underneath the bushes where Aidan had fallen. I guess in all my hurry to get him, I didn't realize it fell out.

Edit: When relating the dog story to Seth, Aidan said, "He was trying to pet me!" Could not help but laugh.
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pretty in Pink

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Zoo Day {1.28.11}

So, the zoo here is free on Fridays during January and February. At least to residents, that is. We had planned this little outing with some friends earlier on in the week, so when I found out Thursday that I had to have a driver's license to get in for free, my heart sank. Needless to say, I arrived at the DMV within 5 minutes of closing time, not showered, hat on my head, with my marriage license, both ssn cards, passport, and application. One extremely horrible picture later, I was an official resident.

The zoo was lots of fun and it was beautiful day. The monkeys were putting on a show when we got there and Aidan was super excited. His favorite thing was the tiger...which we actually didn't see until the very end, but he talked about for the rest of the day.
Annika and Aidan: new little buddies.
Aidan was knocking on the glass to get the gorilla's attention, but I don't think he was much for entertaining company at the moment.

Sweet sick little baby endured the 3 hours there quite well. She spent most of the time "reading."
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7:30 AM

I know this is blurry, but I loved coming out of the shower and seeing this....my 3 favorites on our bed reading a book together. Can you tell Aidan loves Nora?
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This is how we makes our children eat dinner...just so we can laugh. Just kidding!
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