Friday, December 10, 2010

Let It Go

This week has been rather difficult all around. And I haven't felt much like blogging because of it.

So, this about sums it up for us:

Aidan screaming his head off, falling on the floor, Nora pooping on everything-including my bed, my wonderful menstrual cycle deciding that breastfeeding is not a good enough excuse to stay away, Aidan screaming some more, water coming out of the washing machine, messes everywhere, cutting my finger on some scissors, making Christmas presents, packing for our trip, Aidan screaming some more...

You get the picture.

As we were driving home last night from a friend's house, both kids were screaming. I was near to banging my head on the dashboard. It just makes me crazy sometimes...and more often when my hormones are out of whack.

I woke this morning with the determination to not hold on to yesterday's feelings, to let it be at peace. I had some early morning cuddling with the baby girl, she laughed in her sleep as she was lying in bed next to me. Made some gingerbread pancakes for the boy's breakfast and now am sneaking a few minutes on the computer while the kids are entertained. I have to do an amazing amount of packing and cleaning today, but I am letting go of the anxiety and worry of how this day will go, and just letting it be. It's amazing to realize the power our attitudes have over our days.

1 comment:

  1. it's days like these that make our "normal" days seem fabulous! uggg, we all have them. you're in a rough time of life, but it will be over before you know it!
