Sunday, October 31, 2010


We are still far from settled here in South Carolina, but things are coming together. There are a lot of changes for us, but we've been enjoying the new experiences with our small family. We've had lots of time together and have been able to focus a lot of attention on the kids. It is nice not having to pack every night or send Aidan off to the grandparent's to be out of our way. We've had lots of dance parties to music, walks outside, and trips to the grocery store. We are making new memories for sure.

Nora is sleeping some in the evenings...still takes her some time to get settled, but it is nice to have some time with both kids asleep. I just started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and am hoping to get back in shape again. I woke this morning with aching muscles, so that was a good sign. :) I've been crafting some too. Just finished a cute little newborn newsie hat...needs a couple finishing touches, but I'll post a pic soon. I am working towards building an Etsy shop soon. Oh, and Nora is now on a 3 hour schedule during the day and waking only once in the night to eat. I have not been sleeping as well due to her being moved back into our room since the move, but I am sure a long night's sleep is in my near future.

My big girl

Nora is 7 weeks old already and getting so big. I think she weighs nearly 12 pounds already and I just switched her to size 2 diapers after having blowouts several times a day for the past few days. I think I finally got the picture. :) She is so alert and happy and so sweet. Still really wakeful in the late evenings, but still such a good baby overall.
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So, today we visited a Lutheran church that some new friends invited us to. On the way home we asked Aidan what he thought about it and the conversation went a little like this:

Us: Aidan, did you like that church?
Aidan: No, I not like the songs.
Us: Why?
Aidan: They make me sad.

Let's just say that when we pulled up to church, Aidan wanted to know if they had "tars" (guitars) there. He was a little disappointed when it was hymns accompanied by an organ and piano.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Move.

So, my first blog post from South Carolina.

It's been awhile since I updated, but we've made a lifetime of memories since (good and bad). Friday, Oct. 22nd, we loaded the truck and cleared out our little home. It was one of the most exhausting days of my life, but somehow I made it through. Nora was an angel and slept the day away in between feedings which was awesome. She decided to be wide awake later that night, but oh well...
Seth left with the truck on Saturday morning with his dad and they drove all the way through the night (stopping for a short time to rest) and arrived in South Carolina around noon on Sunday. I spent the weekend with my family getting ready for our flight on Monday.
Monday morning we arrived at the airport to find that our flight was delayed. Aidan was a little over excited about flying and was having trouble listening and obeying (the whole weekend had been pretty rough with him, but I think it was a combination of all the craziness he has been trying to adjust to). We got on the plane and had an okay flight. Aidan kept us busy...Nora ate and slept the whole time (very typical of her). We had a short connection and even less time since our flight had been delayed. Luckily, our flight out of Atlanta was delayed as well, or else we would have missed it. Atlanta airport was bustling like usual and we had to trek clear across the world to get to our gate. Once there, there was some confusion about what flight was actually leaving that gate and we were re-directed to another gate. Everything was a little confusing, we were hungry, and tired from walking all over the world, and we were ready for the trip to be over. My mom decided to run over to a store with Aidan to get some hand sanitizer while I started nursing Nora who was way past her normal eating time. All of a sudden, I noticed people were boarding, but hadn't heard an announcement. I was sitting there feeding Nora and watching all our bags and suddenly I heard the "last call" for our flight. I panicked. I didn't know where my mom had gone and I couldn't leave our stuff, and Nora was eating away. I jumped up and started pacing and looking for my mom. Then I ran to the desk and frantically tried to explain my situation (all while nursing my baby and sweating profusely). All they did was look at me like I was a crazy person and told me that the doors would be closing shortly. I raced to look down the main walkway and started yelling my mother's name (still nursing). I saw her and she started coming quickly. We managed to get on-board at the very last minute (still nursing). Somehow, because it was a smaller aircraft we weren't all sitting together and they directed me to sit with Aidan. So there I was with both kids and suffering from stress induced high blood pressure. I then smelled this awful stink coming from Aidan and realized that he had just had a huge poop and I didn't have a way to change him. He sat there stinking for the rest of the flight (which went surprisingly well considering I had to manage both kids most of the way). We arrived, of course, to a mess of boxes in our new apartment which I felt unable to even make sense of after such a long exhausting trip.
The next few days we spent cleaning and unpacking. We still have quite a bit to do, but it is getting there. My mom left this morning and now it is just us and the kids. We made popcorn and watched the movie Cars with Aidan tonight. It was fun to be all together again after the last week of being all over the place.

Monday, October 18, 2010

A walk in the park

On Sunday afternoon we went with my family to Ernie Miller Nature Center and Park to walk the trails. It was a gorgeous day and we had fun walking through the woods. Nora, of course, slept the whole time. :)
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Sunday, October 17th, we dedicated Nora to the Lord in front of our church family. It was wonderful to have this opportunity before we move. We were especially blessed that my dad was able to pray over us and our family like he did when we dedicated Aidan. This picture shows Aidan giving his little sister a kiss right towards the end of the prayer. He got plenty of attention for doing so....just like he likes. :)
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Nora: 5 weeks old

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ballerina Baby...and a few bloopers

This pose had us cracking up. Nora often gets startled and then keeps her hands up in the air for awhile. She is our little ballerina baby (in 4th position here).
Then, this made us really laugh...and notice the chubby cheeks and crazy sticking up hair....Nora is too cool for school...or at least trying to keep her hair from getting too out of control.
Love it!!
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I am ready for a new normal. Or just a normal.

Life has been a little crazy over here lately.

Nora had a upset tummy last night and was awake from 7-12:30am. The poor thing just wanted to be held and she would not go to sleep. I think she is sensitive to a few things in my diet and I'm having to adjust to that so she doesn't have so much gas. Anyway, so I was up late, then up in early morning hours to feed her, then Aidan was up super early announcing a dirty diaper and a need for "bitacins" (vitamins). I was exhausted at the start of the day. Nora was completely off her schedule and Aidan was incredibly naughty. I did get a lot of packing done though, thanks to my mom and mom-in-law.

The house is still on the market and we've reduced our price several times now trying to get more showings. It is hard to be in limbo with that whole thing, but I am still trusting God to help us sell it soon. I would love to have an offer by the time we leave, but that is about 10 days away, so we'll see what happens.

I am ready to be in South Carolina. Not ready to leave family, but ready to be done trying to pack my house with a toddler and newborn. I am ready to embrace the newness of this chapter in life and start the adjustment period with my children. I am not ready to be sad. To miss friends. To learn a new city. But I know that there will be good and bad all mixed in together.

Today of all days, Nora smiled at me...twice. And it made the day seem so much brighter...and gave me such hope for the future.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sweet children. Holding hands. Love it.
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

One Month

Dear Nora,

Today you are a whole month old. I can't believe how fast this month has flown by. You are such a sweet presence in our home and I am so excited to get to know you as your personality develops.

You love to eat and you definitely prefer Mama over any bottle or pacifier. You eat often (usually every 2-2.5 hours), but you are growing so fast and it gives me great joy to know that you are well nourished. You were 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 22 1/4 in. long at your one month checkup. I think that puts you somewhere in the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight.

You are a little cuddlebug and you love to be held. You do not like sitting in your carseat if you are tired. You sleep on your tummy as of 3 weeks old and you wake up about 2 times a night to eat right now. You are very pleasant most of the time and only cry when you are hungry and sleepy. You have a fussy time in the later evenings that keeps us pretty busy holding you, but luckily you are easily comforted by being held or rocked.

I love to dress you and you were wearing the cutest dress this morning for church, but had a little diaper mishap and I missed taking your 1 month picture in it. We'll just have to catch you wearing it again soon.

I can't wait to see what this next month holds.

Love you little one,

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

A new day.

I felt somewhat like myself again after Nora decided to wake only once in the night.

We went to Wal-mart and Old Navy as a family of four and then out to lunch. It was a relaxing and enjoyable outing. The kids were wonderful.

The no-napping Aidan had yesterday led to a wonderful 3 hour nap this afternoon and great time to get some packing done.

Nora ate every 3 hours today for the first time since birth...and took excellent naps too. I did a little crafting tonight, Nora had her 2nd bottle ever (which she nearly refused), and Seth and I caught up on Fringe while eating some pineapple frozen yogurt.

Tomorrow Nora is one month old. Seth's birthday is on Monday. And we pack up the house in 13 days, Seth leaves in 14, and we join him in 16 days. So soon. So crazy.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


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Dear Aidan,

Yesterday was exactly 2.5 years of being your mother. I am so blessed that you have given me that privilege. It feels so surreal sometimes though.

Aidan, you are so energetic and exciting all the time. There is rarely a dull moment with you around. Your passion for life is evident in everything you do. And, at times, you make me crazy, but I still love you tons.

You say the funniest things to me all the time. Just yesterday when you were in trouble and trying to talk me out of giving you a spanking.... I said, "Sorry, you lost your chance," and you responded with, "No, I lost my mittens." It's so hard to keep a straight face with you sometimes.

You have amazed me these last few weeks with how grown up you are. You have handled the adjustment of a new sister very well and you absolutely love your role as big brother. It is going to be great to see how your relationship with her grows over the years.

Being a mother has been one of the hardest things I have ever experienced, but I am so blessed to have you for a son. You have taught me some hard lessons, and I have learned a lot about love by having you.

I love you,


Saturday, October 2, 2010

More Cider Mill Pictures

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Louisburg Cider Mill

We went to the Cider Mill today and had so much fun. We got some yummy apple cider and cider doughnuts when we got there. Aidan went down the inflatable slide a few times and then we went through the corn maze together. I had been a little worried that Aidan wouldn't make it through the corn maze without getting bored or tired, but we all did great. Nora slept, and Aidan loved directing us which way to go. It only took about 30-40 minutes to complete too.

It was really windy today, so I used the wrap to carry Nora and she loved it! I'm glad that she tolerated the chilly weather so well and was such a trooper all day.
Aidan loved the haybales and enjoyed going on a hayride as well. He insisted we were at the "circus."
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Friday, October 1, 2010


When I asked Aidan if he wanted me to read him a book today he replied, "That would be wonderful." I just laughed.

While at the park tonight there was someone there with an Aidan and Nora. We heard them calling to the kids and were so surprised that we asked them to make sure we were hearing correctly. Sure weird.

Brotherly Love

Today, I was getting a little agitated at Aidan for not leaving Nora alone while she was in her swing. She was crying and he went running into the living room. I started calling after him to leave her alone. I followed him to find him kneeling next to her saying, "Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool..." He was trying to calm her down in his own little way and it was so cute.
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Nora Cadence: 3 weeks

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