Sunday, July 25, 2010

Does this shirt make me look fat?

Here's the baby belly at 32 weeks! I feel like I am getting so big, but still measuring a lot smaller. I was measuring a month small at my last midwife appointment, but they think she's just going to be a little baby. I may have a sonogram at my appt. this week if she's still really behind. I have gained 14 pounds total at this point and I am still feeling relatively good. I am starting to get a little more uncomfortable and can't be out in this summer heat for very long, but I have a lot of energy most days and can do a lot of things. Still not getting up at night to use the bathroom which is awesome and I am sleeping pretty well most nights. I have had some sciatic pain this last week some, but nothing constant. I am so blessed that this pregnancy is tons better than my first. At this point I was on bedrest with Aidan and it was a total drag. I felt huge and miserable. The Lord has been so gracious.

More news coming soon about our near future. There has been a lot of stuff happening this past week and I haven't been quite ready to blog about it yet, but should have an update in a couple of days. It has definitely been an interesting week.

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