Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Enjoying every moment...

I just took this picture of Aidan napping in the "tent" I made in his room. He asked to sleep in it for his nap, so I made a little bed for him and he went right to sleep.

Last night, Seth gave me a belated Christmas present: Loving the little years: Motherhood in the trenches by Rachel Jankovic. I read it all. (it is a quick read-only about 100 pages). I laughed, cried, empathized, felt inspired, discouraged, convicted, and encouraged. I would highly recommend this book to any mother of little people. It was one of the best books I have read about parenting.

Let's just say that motherhood has been a real struggle for me as of late. Like, I don't know whether to pull my own hair out, lock myself in the closet, scream, or pummel my child....Seriously, a struggle. In my desperation, I have felt most like a failure, handling things the wrong way, aggravated, frustrated, longing for some "me" time, seeing misbehavior as a cause to ruin my day. I have woken up with a bad attitude, feeling tired, focusing on all the "things" that need to get done and how taking care of the kids gets in the way of accomplishing much. I have hated this about myself too.

Then, I read this book. And I breathed in deeply. I cried a little. Then I buckled up and realized how much I needed a change of heart.

Here is just one such excerpt that spoke to me:

As you deal with your children, deal with yourself always and first. This is what it looks like and feels like to walk with God, as a mother.
God treats us with great kindness as we fail daily. He takes the long view of our sin--knowing that every time we fail and repent, we grow in our walk with Him. It is easy for us to accept this, because our sins are, well, ours.
But our children sin against us, annoy us, and mess up our stuff. We want to hold it against them, complain about them (if only to ourselves), and feel put upon by their sin. We have a much harder time accepting that every failure from them is a wonderful opportunity for repentance and growth and not an opportunity for us to exact penance.
It is no abstract thing--the state of your heart is the state of your home. You cannot harbor resentment secretly toward your children and expect their hearts to be submissive and tender. You cannot be greedy with your time and expect them to share their toys. And perhaps most importantly, you cannont resist your opportunities to be corrected by God and expect them to receive correction from you.
God has given us the job of teaching His law and demonstrating His grace. We are to be guides to our children as they learn to walk with God.
Sin is just a fact of life. Is is the way we deal with it that changes ours.

There is so much more in this book...and it is super funny too. Be encouraged today mothers. I know I was.

I started my morning pushing past the tiredness of being up in the night with little ones, made some fun Mickey Mouse pancakes, built a tent, and read books under it. I enjoyed each and every moment, and I intend to keep my heart in the right place so I can continue to do so.
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Christmas 2010

We had a wonderfully blessed Christmas. Seth's parents came to visit and stayed for 5 nights. We really enjoyed having family with us because we had thought we would be spending it all alone this year. It was a wee bit cramped in our 2 bedroom apartment and Aidan came down with an ear infection, but it was altogether quite nice. Aidan was a little overly excited about the "fresents" and wanted more and more (we are working on our manners).
Nora was as sweet and happy as usual. She has a remarkable ability to smile even when she is not particularly happy. We decided to start sleep training during the holiday because she had started a bad pattern of being up until 11:30 at night again. It was hard for me to hear her cry, but the results have been great so far and she is currently going down for naps with minimal to no fussing and she has gone to bed at 8pm the last 2 nights. It has been great for me!
We were able to spend some time outdoors and enjoy some nice weather before it got too cold. We also attended a Christmas Eve service at a church that we have been visiting for some time. The weather turned quite frigid and we even got some snow Christmas night and all the next day.
I always enjoy baking during the holidays even if it means lots of mess to clean up afterward. I made our traditional Christmas breakfast of chocolate chip cinnamon rolls and we had a non-traditional Christmas dinner of butternut bisque and bierocks. I also made gingerbread men with Aidan which has been another tradition for our little family. He loves to "help" me roll them out...and then enjoys eating them too. (p.s. excuse my messy kitchen--it was quite cluttery in our apartment and I was busy nursing my baby and feeding everyone else to care much about keeping everything cleaned up)

Now it is time to get back into shape and stop eating all the leftover Christmas goodies! 30 Day Shred, here I come!
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Monday, December 27, 2010

Family Pictures

We finally got a picture of our family of four...These are the best ones of the bunch as we had two tired kids to deal with.
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Monday, December 20, 2010

Road Tripping

So, right around Thanksgiving, we decided, on a whim, to go to Pennsylvania for my Grandma's Christmas dinner. She has had the extended family over for this dinner every year since we were little, but my family never went because we lived like 20+ hours away and would go every summer to visit instead. So, being that we are only 10 hours away here in South Carolina, I decided that in order to make Christmas a little less lonely, we should go up for a visit. Granted...we traveled to PA the day Aidan turned 3 months (we flew and then drove a few hours) and I swore never to take a 3 month old to PA. It is funny how this trip just happened to fall on the weekend that little miss Nora turned 3 months as well. Different 3 month old, different trip experience.

We decided to get up at 4:45am on the day of the drive in order to get an early start. Aidan ended up waking at 4:20 and needing "his covers on" and then Nora woke 15 minutes later to eat. So, we managed to get out of the house and on the road by 5:30am with one sleeping baby and one very talkative toddler. It was actually really nice driving in the dark and waiting for the sun to rise. We had our pumpkin flavored coffee to sip on and stopped for breakfast around 7:00. We ended up stopping a lot more than I had planned due to Nora screaming bloody murder when she woke up or when she wanted to go to sleep. She just had a few very rough intervals, but slept a lot of the trip thankfully. We made it there by 5:30pm and had a nice dinner with the family.

Oh, and did I mention that my brother, sister-in-law, two nephews (one I had not yet met) and my mother were there? After getting this grand idea to go up to PA, I convinced my brother's family to come down from PEI, Canada too. Then my mom just had to fly up and see us all since all 4 of her grandbabies would be there. It was lovely being with family again.

Needless to say, the time there was well spent. The kids were great, we got to visit with a lot of my extended family etc... Nora got a bad cold the day before we left and spent our last night crying a lot and waking every hour or so.

We decided to split the trip home into 2 days and we drove down to D.C. and visited the Museum of Natural History with my brother's family. After that, we parted and drove a couple hours and stopped for the night. We have never stayed in a hotel with our kids before and I was seriously afraid it was going to be a disaster, but Aidan went to sleep shortly after we got there and Nora did too....except she woke a lot again because of her cold.

We woke to snow falling the next day and drove for a while in snow and then freezing rain. Nora was not a happy camper for this drive at all and it was a lot of craziness in our car for most of the trip home. We did, however, make it home that evening (a 5 1/2 hour trip that took us 8 hours) to the nice 62 degree weather in South Carolina.

Even thought the drive home was rough, I am so glad we made the trip with the kids. Nora has had a hard few days getting over her cold and realizing that I am not going to hold her for all her naps from now on, but things should settle back down soon.

Friday, December 10, 2010

3 months


How in the world are you already 3 months old? I am so amazed at how fast you are growing. We went to your 2 month appt. a week late and you weighed in at 12lbs. 3oz. (5 lbs. gained since birth) and 23.5 inches (4 in. since birth). I am sure you are even bigger now because you are growing out of some of your 3 month clothes and will be wearing 6 month stuff soon. You are so long and you have the best rolls on your arms and legs. Oh, and did I mention you like to eat?
You are still not sleeping super predictably at night yet. You went through a growth spurt this month and were up eating every 2-3 hours. Mommy was not a fan. But, now you are settled back into going about 8-9 hours at night. You don't have a set bedtime because you will sometimes be up partying till late and then go to bed early the next night....you are happy to just do whatever you need to do. I like this about you most of the time, but wish that we could get you to bed earlier still...I know you will get there sometime.
You still take a really long nap in the afternoon. I usually let you sleep abut 3.5 hours, but you almost always want to sleep longer. You take abouty 3-4 naps a day and your waketime varies. Sometimes you are happy to be awake for 2 hours at a time while other times you need to sleep sooner than that. You will not take a pacifier at all anymore and you really don't like the bottle either. You have a hard time settling down for naps when we are at home so you often get riled up and cry pretty hard and then I pat your little bottom and you fall right to sleep. I don't understand this little routine you have, but it makes me laugh and you are so cute when you go from mad to fast asleep in a matter of seconds.
You are truly the most content little baby ever. You love to sit in your bouncer and you kick like crazy when you are in it. You can sit somewhere for a long period of time and if you are fussy you are usually content to just sit in a lap or sit near us, so that you can see our faces. You are very comforted by the presence of Mommy and Daddy.
You have the cutest scrunchy nose smile and you started laughing this month (Dec.1). You love to interact with us and talk and I can tell you are going to be a social little thing.
You have surpassed all my hopes and expectations these first 3 months and I have been so blessed by you. You love to nurse and cuddle and you bring me so much comfort at times it is overwhelming. I am so excited to see the person you will become and I love watching you begin to notice your little world.
Nora, you are a joy.

I love you,

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Let It Go

This week has been rather difficult all around. And I haven't felt much like blogging because of it.

So, this about sums it up for us:

Aidan screaming his head off, falling on the floor, Nora pooping on everything-including my bed, my wonderful menstrual cycle deciding that breastfeeding is not a good enough excuse to stay away, Aidan screaming some more, water coming out of the washing machine, messes everywhere, cutting my finger on some scissors, making Christmas presents, packing for our trip, Aidan screaming some more...

You get the picture.

As we were driving home last night from a friend's house, both kids were screaming. I was near to banging my head on the dashboard. It just makes me crazy sometimes...and more often when my hormones are out of whack.

I woke this morning with the determination to not hold on to yesterday's feelings, to let it go...to be at peace. I had some early morning cuddling with the baby girl, she laughed in her sleep as she was lying in bed next to me. Made some gingerbread pancakes for the boy's breakfast and now am sneaking a few minutes on the computer while the kids are entertained. I have to do an amazing amount of packing and cleaning today, but I am letting go of the anxiety and worry of how this day will go, and just letting it be. It's amazing to realize the power our attitudes have over our days.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Crafting:Crochet Hats

Here are a few of my latest hats I've made. Thinking about starting an Etsy shop possibly. What do you think?
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It's that time of year!

None of these are perfect, but can't help loving the sweetness portrayed in these pics. Christmas is coming...and our tree is up (sans candy canes thanks to a certain little two year old that had a fondness for breaking and eating them).
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Away in a Manger

Aidan piled the nativity pieces on Nora the other night. See how she is "holding" baby Jesus? Aidan was thrilled about that. Then, he got his bible out and read the story to her....silently.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving was a little different for us this year. This was the very first year we spent our Thanksgiving in South Carolina and away from family. It turned out to be quite a good day for us all. We had gingerbread pancakes for breakfast and watched the Macy's Parade on our laptop. Aidan really enjoyed watching the parade and spent most of the morning lying on the table as I cooked dinner. We went for a nice walk in the gorgeous weather and picked pine cones and leaves and played at the park. After we got back, I finished preparing our food and we sat down to eat.
I was a little overwhelmed at the idea of cooking a turkey because I had never done so, but it turned out decent enough. I also made homemade stuffing with cranberries and apples, roasted apples and sweet potatoes with honey glaze, homemade rolls, creamy mashed potatoes, green beans, homemade gravy, and a pumpkin spice cake for dessert. It was all delicious and I made so much food we are going to be eating leftovers for a good while. Aidan pretty much went with tradition and devoured a roll...and did not want anything else.
We were supposed to go to some new friend's house for dessert, but their daughter was running a fever, so we had a change of plans and stayed home. (Aidan randomly woke with a fever in the night as well, but was fine by morning)We were able to Skype with all our family and then we just spent time with the kids. Aidan really wanted to hold Nora and spent a good while holding her and talking to her on the couch. (He also tried to nurse her, but that is a story for another day. Ha!)

So thankful for my sweet kids!
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What??? You don't wear your headband like this? It's the newest style....
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just go with it...

I really wanted the car today...

Just did not feel like being cooped up in the house with the kids when the forecast was calling for 80 degree weather...but I also didn't want to drive Seth to work and then pick him up later either. It always seems like a lose-lose situation.

And, to be honest, I had a bad attitude about it.

Thankfully, my mom read books to Aidan over skype and I was able to pick up around the apartment a little, making my mood a little less negative.

Decided we would walk to the mall and Aidan could play in the kid's play area. The mall is a pretty decent trek...taking about 30 minutes to get there. We set off and arrived nice and sweaty a little while later with one very awake little baby and one very active little boy. Aidan played, Nora settled down and went to sleep. All of a sudden I was starving and needed food. Aidan agreed to go on a food hunt and we ordered some Chick-fil-a for lunch. I imagined we would scarf down the food and make the walk back with Nora still napping. She woke up...and was fine, but I knew that she wouldn't make it the whole way back without wanting to eat. Aidan started demanding more food and I noticed his knees (no clue how this happened) were covered in ketchup. Wonderful! Wiped him off and got him an ice cream cone. Let him dribble it all over himself while I nursed Nora in the busy food court. Writing that sentence makes me laugh because it sounds like a simple thing, but it was really kinda ridiculous and complicated. I think people look at me like I am nuts or something because my child is drowning in ice cream and ketchup and I am exposing half my midriff while trying to nurse a kicking squirming suddenly starving baby. Just go with it...that's all I tell myself these days. It is what it is and it's just the way life is gonna be.

Needless to say, we were messy, tired, and plain wore out when we arrived home nearly 3 hours after we left.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The things that most consume us

As mothers, I think it is so easy to often get caught up on a specific issue that we are having with a child, whether it bet potty training, sleeping, eating, tantrums etc...

It's hard to figure out what is "best" for each child. Aidan's needs as a baby were so different from Nora's and I find that I am having to learn new strategies all the time.

So, I've always embraced the philosophy of letting the child go to sleep on their own, to even cry it out some if that is what it takes. There was no rocking or nursing Aidan to sleep...and really, it was quite easy to decide that with him because he didn't nurse and he hated to be rocked or cuddled to sleep. Nora is a totally different story. She loves to cuddle and rock and sleep in your arms. She also sleeps in the car seat, her bed, and my bed quite easily as well. She seems pretty flexible to be put down awake during the day and only fusses or cries momentarily. However, nighttime is totally different. For some reason we don't have bedtime figured out at all. I don't want to nurse her to sleep because I don't want to be tied down to her, but it is the simple thing to do. She just does not like to put herself to sleep at night very much. She has successfully gone to bed a few nights alone, but she gives us more of a fight and her pitiful crying usually calls us to her rescue. We rock, shush, pat and sometimes I nurse her. She is immediately comforted by these measures and so sweetly nestles against us that it kills me to let her cry.

So, what do you mothers do to help your babies sleep? Is it going to be bad news down the road if I nurse her or rock her? I need some good mommy advice please.

Nora: 10 weeks old

Nora loves her playmat and she goes crazy kicking her legs and talking up a storm. Oh and my latest crafts...clips for her headbands (I recently discovered making felt flowers)...she has crazy hair that sticks straight up so the headbands bring out her feminine side. :) I would post more pics of Aidan, but he's kind going through a phase where he refuses to let you take his picture. Enjoy the sweetness. She really is super precious....
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Friday, November 19, 2010

What a privilege to have you as mine...

My little Nora girl is 10 weeks old today and my big boy is going to be 3 in about 4 1/2 months.

Sometimes I wonder how I even got to this place. One little one calling me Mommy and one sweet baby smiling adoringly at me, holding tight to my shirt as she nurses, cuddling against me to find comfort. These children have kept me from sleeping, from taking care of my most basic needs this week, but I have still found moments to relish the sweetness of being their mother. It is hard to look at my day when it is often laced with negative moments that I wish I could block out...but the sweetness I feel in such fleeting moments causes my heart to swell with wonder and appreciation for the blessings that God has placed in my life.

As I write this, little N is sitting here beside me, smiling and chilling, just content to be next to me in her Boppy pillow. As I reach and touch her tiny fingers, she pauses and looks into my eyes. She knows I am touching her, reaching out to her.

Seth is reading to Aidan in his bedroom. I hear their voices over the music playing in the background. On nights like these, after the exhaustion of a long day is coming to an end, I find respite in the loveliness of these sweet moments we can share.

I won't lie. Being isolated and cooped up with the kids is hard. I have tried so hard to face my day without complaining, with resting on the Lord and coming to Him when my heart is troubled (which seems to be quite often). Moving has been really hard. I haven't had much in friendly consolation, but I have been able to see how the Lord lets me notice these "little things" more often. Because here, we just have each other and we need to love each other in order to make this work. So instead of fretting with a heavy heart, I lift my eyes towards heaven with thankfulness on my lips. I am weary, but He is strong. I am lonely, but He is a friend. 

These blessings I have because of His goodness.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


This is so sweet and terrifying all at the same time. As much as Aidan loves Nora sometimes, he can turn on her (literally) in a second. He really does dote on her though.
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My sweet babies at 2 months old...can you tell they are related?
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Children's Museum

Last week we went to the Edventure Children's Museum in Columbia for a special free family night. Aidan had a blast! His favorite things were: dressing up like a fireman and driving the truck, "shopping" at the Piggly Wiggly, and playing drums in the Africa exhibit. He asked to go back the next morning and still wonders where his fireman jacket and boots are. It was really crowded because it was free that night so I hope to go back with him again on a regular day. It is a perfect outlet for this little guy's energy.
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