It is so hard to believe that you are already 19 months old. You are growing up so much every single day. Since you turned 18 months, you have been obtaining knowledge at such a fast pace and your vocabulary has really increased. Your vocab consists of: dog, duck, hallelujah, mama, dada, steph, keys, bottle, baby, snack, night night, Jesus, eyes, ears, nose, knock knock, hot, bubbles, bye bye, hi, ball, uh-oh, banana, love love, Elmo, beep, cheese, march, jump, bowl, book, snail, frog, roar, peas, pear, spoon, teeth, milk, ear, baa, moo, snake, (monkey noises), knee, egg, blankie, leaves, tree, wheee (slide), nods head for yes, Na-Na, pray, Aidan, grandpa, Maisie, poop, count: 123, library, Grammy, mouse, and more that I cannot recall at the moment. You love to repeat words that we say and you also love to mimic the things we do. You can identify the letter "A" and we are going to start working on the rest of the alphabet soon. You are still our little entertainer and love music, dancing, and playing instruments. You and Daddy have a special connection with music and you contentedly listened to the entire Coldplay album together the other just danced and asked for "more" as soon as each song ended. You have become increasingly aware of things lately and it is so fun to watch you make new connections. For example, the other night I said to Seth, we need to thank Jesus, and you chimed in and said, "pray!" while reaching out your hands to us. Speaking of prayer, you love to pray at night and will stand still and hold our hands until we say "amen." You bow your head and seem to acknowledge the reverence of it all, but as soon as we are done, you collapse in a heap and say "nigh, nigh" so sweetly. You still love to sleep as long as you have your blankie. You sleep about 12-12.5 hours a night and nap a couple hours during the day. I am so glad that you are so great about going down for bed and that it has never been a fight. Aidan, you are my little buddy and I love how loving you are. You give kisses voluntarily and are becoming quite the cuddler. You are obsessed with "ma-ma" right now and you are always calling me when I leave the room. You like to be right near me at all times. Your favorite things to do right now: play with the car keys and put them in and out of the lock, watch Elmo and would watch it all day if I let you, carry your blankie around everywhere (I have started hiding it from you), color/draw (markers are your new obsession), and read books. You are doing so well with having Oakley around and have become such a help with him. You try to wipe his face when he spits up, you bring him toys (and take them away), you lie down with him on his play mat, give him kisses, hold his hand when you are in the double stroller, and say "boo" to him. I know you are going to be a wonderful big brother some day. You are also learning how to obey more and say "yes, Mommy" when I am talking to you. Aidan, there are so many things about you that make you uniquely you and I just can't describe how wonderful that is. You are such a strong personality and have such a will about you that makes life difficult sometimes, but I know you are going to be a powerful man of God some day and I want to foster that in you. I am so blessed to be your mother and I am so proud of you. I am grateful that the Lord has given you to me and allowed me the honor of caring for you these 19 months.
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