Well, it's time again for the little boy update/letter of the month.
Here are a few pics from the last month:
Aidan's new activity: Coloring!
He loves his little table
Watering the flowers at Grandma's house
A little thirsty!
Aidan and Oakley (his pretend baby brother)
Scrubbing the sidewalk in a monkey costume (preview for Halloween)
What am I wearing?
Please get this off of me!
You are unbelievably funny. Your personality is continuing to develop and we absolutely love it. You are growing up so much now and it is amazing to see all these wonderful changes. You are now very skilled at going up and down stairs and can walk down with some assistance. You actually walked down once on your own when Mommy was too busy to help you and although it was a little scary to watch, you did so well. You have continued to be a little climber, but because of so many falls last month, you have grown a little more timid. You are talking more and more these days and while most of it is gibberish you say many words: dog, duck, hallelujah, mama, dada, Steph, keys, bottle, baby, snack, night night, Jesus, eyes, ears, nose, knock knock, hot, bubbles, bye bye, hi, ball, uh-oh, banana, love love, Elmo, and sometimes (please, thank you, and gentle). You make several animal noises, but the elephant is by far your favorite. You also make noises for a rooster, chicken, cat, and dog. You still sign more, please, all done, and thank you. You seem to understand almost everything we say and we have to be careful when we talk about going outside or about certain foods you like because you will instantly want to "go" or eat whatever it is. You shake your head no when you don't like something or when we ask you questions. You say no to things that you want to do too, so sometimes it isn't that helpful. You are still super attached to your blanket and we have started saying "bye bye" to blanket during the day so that you don't carry it around with you everywhere. Your favorite thing right now is to play in the car and we seem to do so almost every day. You love to put the keys in the ignition and "drive." You also really love to dance and since we have music on a lot of the time you have plenty of time to practice your moves. You also love to play your tambourine and clap. You have started to clap on beat at times and we can't believe how well you sense rhythm already. You love to go to church and you start clapping when you see the building. You are always great in the nursery and really love other children. You are always trying to kiss them or talk to them. You LOVE to be chased or chase others and you are so full of laughter and joy. Your energy is endless and you always seem to be going a mile a minute without ever tiring. You do love to go to bed at night and are also really great about taking your nap. You go right down without a fuss almost every time. Your are finally taking just one nap a day and that frees up the morning for playdates and outings. Recently, Mommy started watching a little baby (Oakley) and it has been quite the transition for you. You seem to love him and if he is anywhere near you, you can't stop saying "hi" and "baby" and you kiss him all the time. You are a little too aggressive though and Mommy can't trust you for a second with him. You have started biting Mommy when she feeds the baby, but hopefully this is only a phase that you are working through. You have definitely been high maintenance since Mommy started this job, but you are doing much better at playing independently. You are also easily distracted with movies (especially your favorite-Elmo) and popsicles. :) Aidan, there is so much more that I could write about you because I don't want to forget you at this stage. I know that I will miss the morning cuddle time in bed and the funny little gestures you make. Your laugh is contagious and sweet and you are so loving sometimes. I will miss the innocent kisses, baby gibberish, the cute way you suck your thumb, your funny expressions, your cute little features, and your sweet little baby chubbiness. You are and always will be an absolute joy!
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