Stole this survey from someone and wanted to post it on Valentine's Day, but didn't have a chance to.
Just for fun!
What are your middle names? Doug and Renee
How long have you been together? Since January 10, 2005, married since January 20, 2007.
How long did you know each other before you started dating? We officially met our second semester of our freshman year and it was exactly a year later that we started dating.
Who asked who out? Well, there was never any official "first date", but we had a DTR :) after spending some time together over Christmas break. Seth didn't really tell me he even liked me really. While he was trying to get around to it without being too vulnerable, I confessed my attraction and he opened up too.
How old were each of you when you met? I was 18, he was 19.
How old are each of you now? I am 23 and he is 24.
How long did you date before becoming engaged? \We date for 1 1/2 years before becoming engaged and then were engaged for 6 months before marrying.
How tall are each of you? I'm 5'9 and he is 5'10.
Whose siblings do you see the most? We see my sister the most of all, but Seth's sister is also close by.
Do you have any children together? Seth "Aidan"
What about pets? Nope
Did you go to the same school? Different high schools, same college!
Are you from the same hometown? No! I grew up in Elm Springs, AR and Seth grew up in Bellingham, WA and Topeka, KS.
Who is the smartest? We are both smart in our own ways. I am really smart when it comes to memory and quick thinking games. Seth is more methodical, but he is really good at figuring out technical things, great with vocabulary, and has a proficient knowledge of many things.
Who is the most sensitive? Definitely me.
Where do you eat out most as a couple? Ummm... We don't eat out much, but we like Pei Wei a lot.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? We went to Ireland together on a choir tour after our sophomore year of college.
Who does the cooking? I do.
Who is more social? We are both social with different groups of people. Seth likes to have intellectual and theological conversations with friends, but hates small talk. I can talk to anyone really, but I am not as comfortable in huge groups of people I don't know well.
Who is the neat-freak? Me, definitely.
Who hogs the bed? Seth. He moves all over the place when he sleeps.
Who wakes up earlier? On the weekdays I do, but Seth gets up with Aidan on the weekends and lets me sleep in.
Who has the bigger family? Mine.
How do you spend the holidays? With both families. We have had Thanksgiving with both our families together for about 3 years now. With both of them being close it has been easy to figure out holidays.
Who is more jealous? I don't really know.
Do you have little pet names for each other? Ummm...We use "Honey" a lot and "Babe" some too.
How long did it take to get serious? In what way?
Who eats more? I feel like I do, but I think we eat about the same.
Who sings better? Seth. I love to hear him sing.
Who’s older? Seth, by about 8 months.
Who does the dishes? Seth does them quite often if I have cooked a big meal.
Who snores? Well, Seth breathes quite heavily at times and crosses over into snoring when he is sick.
Who’s better with the computer? Seth, all the way.
Who drives? Seth. I just hate to drive.
Who kissed who first? We both kinda kissed each other first. It just happened without a whole lot of thought. It was very natural. We had been dating for a long time at that point and it wasn't awkward at all.
Who eats more sweets? Seth likes to eat a lot of candy. I am an ice cream girl all the way.
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