we had a most wonderful weekend.
friday, we went to the honduras benefit dinner. the food was great and so was the company. we sat with some fun married couples and had fun chatting about marriage, children, life, etc... we stayed there for 3 hours.
saturday, we went to the pool to lay out for the afternoon. at 6:30 we met some new friends at this indian restaurant "korma sutra." first of all, it was great getting to do something with a very cool young married couple. second, it was fun to experience the atmosphere and culture of the restaurant. it was probably one of the neatest eating "experiences" i have ever had... and it was really good food too.
after the wonderful meal (which lasted over two hours) we went back to our apartment with our new friends and played "pitch" until midnight. it was so much fun and so refreshing to get to hang out with some great people. we saw our new friends the following day at church and are planning to do something again soon.
thank you Lord for sending us some wonderful friends!
i'm so glad the Lord sent you AND seth friends. He is so good. sounds like you guys had a lot of fun just hanging out. that's awesome too that they go to your church!!:) thanks for the update.