How It Began
At the end of 2013 we knew that our health insurance would be changing. We were switching to a health savings account and would not have co pays anymore, but pay the entire cost out of pocket (up to a certain amount). With this change, I became even more determined than ever to keep us out of the doctor's office, especially for non life-threatening issues (ear infections, colds, flu, etc...). I had been curious about essential oils for some time, but was busy with a fussy newborn and trying to manage the day to day with homeschooling and 3 small children that I didn't feel like I had time to devote to researching it all. In October, I was exposed to DoTerra for the first time and thought very highly of their business and their oils. The only hang up for me was my hesitation in joining a multi-level company where you "sell" oils. I didn't feel like I had the time to promote the oils with everything else going on in my life. That is when I heard about Heritage. Heritage Essential Oils seemed to have much of what I was looking for so I gave it a trial run and ordered my first oils in November.
Why I Choose Heritage
I did a lot of reading in the beginning regarding all the best oil companies and whatnot. It was overwhelming and there seemed to be two main camps that were getting the most notice: DoTerra and Young Living. It seemed like everywhere I turned, there was more news about the two and which was the best company etc...While it does seem that these companies do produce good oils, I didn't feel too keen on the multi-level marketing approach these companies had. I didn't want pressure to purchase oils on a regular basis or spend a certain amount of money. I also did not want the stress of trying to get others to "buy the oils from me" in order to lower my cost. But, this is not a post trying to get you to choose what company to buy from, so I am not going to go into a bunch of pros and cons. However, I do want to share my personal reasons for choosing Heritage.
1) They have a very helpful website that is easy to navigate, have lots of helpful resources for how to use the oils, which oils to buy for different health issues, and personal testimonies on usage. They also have a FB group where you can ask questions and dialogue with others that use the oils.
2) They offer a huge selection of blends and oils and have comparable blends to those most commonly used by DoTerra and YL.
3) They have very reasonable prices--one of the biggest reasons I love them! I kept comparing prices to the other companies and could get so much more for my money---and they work well.
4) They are good quality. More info here.
5) I have used them and found them to be effective.
What Oils We Use/How We Use Them
Getting started with essential oils can be quite overwhelming because there are so many oils to choose from and so many different health topics to be addressed. Also, there are several uses for each oil, as well as several oils used for specific issues. Since our chemistry is different, some oils may work well for others, but not work for you. So, it takes some trial and error to develop a protocol that works. The great thing about oils is that they get into your blood stream quickly and if they are going to work, they do, and they work instantly.
Our most used oil over the winter was Plague Defense. This is most commonly known as Thieves in the YL camp and On Guard in DoTerra.
This is a blend of the following: Clove (Eugenia caryophyllata), Lemon (Citrus limonum), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamon zeylanicum), Eucalyptus Radiata (Eucalyptus radiata), Rosemary ct. cineole (Rosmarinus officinalis)
The description on HEO's website is as follows: "This blend of essential oils was created from historical information about a group of 15th-century thieves who rubbed oils on themselves to avoid contracting the plague while they robbed the bodies of the dead and dying. When apprehended, these thieves disclosed the formula of herbs, spices, and oils they used to protect themselves in exchange for more lenient punishment.
This blend of essential oils is high in anti-microbial properties. The oils are highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-infectious and help to protect the body against such illnesses as flu, colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats, cuts, and so on."
You can read more about this oil and its many uses here. We have used it for many things. It is GREAT for stopping the onset of a cold in its tracks. For adults, you can gargle it in water, or apply it directly to your throat to ease a sore throat. You must also use a carrier oil (basically an oil such as: coconut, almond, jojoba that dilutes the oil). This is a very "hot" oil, meaning it will "burn" the skin if applied directly. However, the carrier oil helps it not only to be applied easily, but to alleviate the intensity of the oil. I put this oil in a small roller bottle that I add almond oil to and use for easily rolling on. For the kids, I do not put on their throats and they do not generally know how to express when they are "coming down with something" so it doesn't work the same way. I do use it on their feet or on their wrists, when they are sick or as a way to keep their immune systems strong when they have been exposed to sickness. I applied often to their feet at night throughout the winter to ward off the flu and stomach bug when they had been around other children or in public places that I knew were crawling with germs. We did not get the flu or the stomach bug this year thankfully. When they did come down with a cold (as they still did even with the use of the oils), I applied this as well as a way of helping them fight the cold and I found that their colds were often decreased in intensity and shorter than normal. Basically, I love this oil and it is one of my "must haves."
A few more favorites:
Some of the ways we use this oil:
1) Calming before bed-when one of the kids is having a rough time sleeping, I rub this on their back (with a carrier oil). If you want to read more about guidelines for using essential oils with children go HERE.
2) For ear infections, headaches, allergies, and fever: It is an anti-inflammatory and does wonders for ear infections. I rub around the ear (NEVER PUT OILS DIRECTLY IN THE EAR) and use on the back of neck and temples for headaches.
3) Burns: I have burned my finger a few times since using this oil and applied it right after to alleviate the burning and it has really helped.
4) I used Lavender when Enna had the chicken pox to help with the itching, but had to be very careful on the application because she is so small.
5) I also have used this to help Nora when she had issues with a potential UTI. I rubbed on her stomach and directly on her bottom with coconut oil to soothe some red/raw skin she had. It cleared up overnight and she was fine! I really thought I was going to have to take her to the doctor, but within the course of 12-24 hours she was completely symptom free. I also used Plague Defense on her lower abdomen.
At first I wondered what in the world I would use Lemon for, but then realized that it is great for lots of things ( as most oils are). It is useful for colds, sore throats, allergies, and cleaning. I love the smell when I am cleaning, it kills bacteria, and I like the feeling I get using something that I know is safe to use on surfaces that will be touched by my children.
This a great oil for headaches and digestive issues. I have used multiple times to alleviate a headache and paired with Lavender it is most effective. It is also good in some water to aid digestion and I love the minty smell. It is another "hot" oil so you have to be careful when using because it will give a burning sensation to the surface of your skin unless applied with a carrier oil.
I bought this mainly for use in case of the stomach bug hitting our household. It is supposed to be very helpful with digestion and helps alleviate vomiting. Luckily, I have barely used this. It has a strong smell and I don't like it much, but I have used it a couple times when one of the children has complained of an upset stomach. But, we have had zero vomiting, so I have not been able to try using it in that regard.
For all the chronic ear infections we have had, I was desperate to find something that would keep us from going to the doctor and from using antibiotics. While I strongly recommend chiropractic care for ear infections, I have found essential oils to be a saving grace when one of the kids wakes up in the night with ear pain. I used Lavender on the outside of the ear and then put some of the ear infection blend on a cotton ball and put in the ear. I do not put this oil directly in the ear, but it is fine to put on a cotton ball and place in ear. I also make my own garlic ear oil to place inside the ear to soothe it. This is very simple to do. I take about 3 cloves of garlic and press, leave for 10-15 minutes (you can read why here), then I mix the garlic with about 2-3 T of olive oil and put on the stovetop on high. Watch it closely because once it heats up you want to remove from the heat, cover and let sit for 30 minutes. You do not want to cook your garlic! Anyway, after 30 minutes you need to strain the garlic out and put the oil in a dropper bottle. I then use about 3 or 4 warm drops in each ear. For more great ear infection remedies you can check out this website.
We have dealt with the start of several infections, but with my ear infection protocol, the kids were feeling better by the next day. I also use ibuprofen if they seem to be in intense pain in the middle of the night, but try to stay away from that if I have to.
Respiratory Blend
Heritage has a great Respiratory Blend used for colds and such, but I bought a lot of these oils separately and put them together with my almond oil in roller bottles for quick application on feet, chests, and behind ears. I use Tea Tree because it is milder for babies than peppermint and eucalyptus although I do have eucalyptus too. I mix tea tree, lavender, lemon, and eucalyptus together for my blend and have replaced the Vicks BabyRub I used to use for colds with this. I use as a preventive around the ears when the kids are congested to help promote drainage and keep the area from being inflamed. So far, this has worked well and is good when you are stuffed up and can't breathe. I put some along my nose or even take my finger and dab at my nostrils to help open up my nasal passages. This would also be excellent for diffusing when someone has a cold.
I have felt really pleased with the oils and it has been great to have something to turn to when the kids start exhibiting signs of sickness, especially in the night. I used to feel a lot of panic when the kids were sick because I didn't know how to help them, but having the oils handy makes me feel empowered. I love that the kids ask me for oils when they don't feel well too! We have not been to the doctor for a sick visit once and that is saving me money and helping my kids have strong immune systems. They are not getting compromised by the over usage of antibiotics (that was the terrible cycle we used to be in all the time and it was expensive and extremely wearing on me). Enna has not had a single ear infection or antibiotics in her little life! This is so incredible to me because by now the other two had had severe double ear infections, antibiotics, and recurring infections already. They always had them when they were teething. So far, Enna has had the most sickness (cold she catches from the kids), but she has not had anything that developed into an infection that needed more care. She also has 6 teeth and is working on 2 more right now. I don't know if it is the use of the oils that has kept her from developing infections like the other 2 did, but I am thoroughly pleased.
Some Other Preventive Stuff We Do
While oils are great, I also believe in other natural preventive measures that help keep us healthy and keep our immune systems strong.
I give the kids probiotics, multivitamins, vitamin D (these 3 on a daily basis), and extra vitamin C (when they are sick). I buy all my vitamins from Vitacost (this is a referral link that will give you a $10 coupon for your first purchase). I usually buy several items here so that I can get free shipping. The vitamins are much cheaper than what I can find in most stores.
I buy these vitamins for the kids. They are a whole food vitamin and they cost about $25 at Whole Foods. At Vitacost they are only $13. It's pretty amazing.
There are also tons of gluten free products that are much cheaper than in the stores.
I buy apple cider vinegar, cod liver oil, vitamins, lotions, and also my almond oil that I use as a carrior oil for my essential oils on this site. Everything I buy is a savings compared to my local stores.
I also recently made my own elderberry syrup, which is WAY cheaper than buying it. I found dried elderberries at a local heath food store and made this super simple recipe. We've been taking it recently along with cod liver oil (it helps mask the fishy-oily taste).
I also recently made GOOT. It is a garlic oil salve that is similar to the ear oil drops, but you can rub on chests and feet when kids are sick. I love that garlic has so many good healing properties and it is a good addition to your medicine cabinet, especially for small children that cannot tolerate all of the essential oils being applied topically.
Okay, so this is my huge master list of stuff and probably doesn't have every detail, but gives a pretty good comprehensive view of what we do, why we do it, and how we do it.
I am so blessed to serve my family in a way that keeps us healthy, keeps us from spending way too much money on doctor visits, and benefits our immune systems.
Please note that these are all my opinions. I do not receive any benefit from Heritage for promoting their oils. I am writing this just to inform friends about something that has blessed me and has been a powerful source of healing in our lives over the past few months.