Saturday, July 27, 2013

Enna's Birth

This is the account of Enna's birth, written mostly for my own memory's sake. Some details may not be appreciated by all audiences, so be forewarned. :)

Like all my pregnancies, I started having contractions in my 8th month of pregnancy. With the other 2, I spent a night being monitored in the hospital (was put on bedrest with Aidan for 6-7 weeks, and had my "labor" stopped with Nora at 33 weeks, only to deliver her a month later). This time, I was determined that wasn't going to happen. I didn't want the unnecessary monitoring or hospital bills.

Around 34 weeks I started having episodes of regular contractions. They were mostly annoying and I knew not to expect anything to come of them. They didn't get much worse in intensity until about 37 weeks. By my 38 weeks appointment (when my last baby was born), I was pretty ready to get the show on the road, and I had my midwife strip my membranes as I was already 3cm dilated. With Nora, this kicked labor in within 24 hours. However, that would not be the case with this one. I had strong contractions for several days and would have episodes that would get more regular and harder, but then go away. It was exhausting. At my 39th week appointment, I was more than ready (4cm and 50% effaced) and decided to follow through with an induction 2 days later.

We went in at 6am the morning of the induction. I was having strong contractions on and off, but pretty spaced apart like they had been for days. 

 Here is the last picture of the belly. It felt so funny to be so nonchalantly going to the hospital to have the baby since my last experience was very quick, chaotic, and in the middle of the night. I was at ease, and actually feeling much calmer about delivery than I had felt the whole pregnancy.

My midwife came and broke my water at 8:30. I was 4cm and 80% effaced. I got up and walked a little to see if I would go into labor. I even visited a friend of mine who had delivered 2 days before me. Contractions were still irregular, but very strong, when I had one.

Finally, around 10:30, I asked for some pitocin. I was getting tired of waiting around and walking wasn't really helping at this point. They started my pitocin somewhere between 11-11:15am. I started having contractions shortly after and by 11:30 they were coming regularly and  just about 3-4 minutes apart, so they turned off the pitocin. 

I had planned from the beginning to get an epidural if I was going to be induced because I had pitocin with Aidan and delivered him naturally and it wasn't all that fun. I just didn't want to experience it all again and had a lot of anxiety about the pain this time around.

The contractions started really picking up and I think I asked for the epidural somewhere a little before noon. They got there and started the process, all while I was having hard contractions and wondering if I had progressed from a 4 or not since I hadn't been checked after they broke my water. The epidural process went smoothly. I had no adverse affects from the epidural, which was my biggest fear after having so many bad experiences with anesthesia and pain meds. After they got it in, they checked me and I was about 8cm and 100% effaced (so that's why I was in pain!). Finally, around 12:30, I was feeling no more pain and things were good. 

I was amazed at how calm everything was and how great it felt to be in labor, but not feeling any pain. I could still tell when I was having contractions though. It was surreal and so different from my last two experiences! I kept laughing and saying, "I can't believe I'm having a baby!" I may have even said I'd have another one (that was the epidural talking for sure!)

Not long after that I felt a lot of pressure, but wasn't sure what I was supposed to feel because the urge to push when delivering the other 2 was so strong that I couldn't help but push. This time I just wasn't sure at all. Nurses were in and out and my midwife was still on her way so they told me to try not to do anything sudden. They checked me and her head was right there. After my midwife got there, she got everything ready and it was all very leisurely. I was amazed at how slow and calm everything was! I even decided to use the mirror to watch this time since I was more aware and wasn't pushing like my life depended on it. :)

Not sure how long I pushed, but it wasn't that long. And Seth got to help pull her out and hand her to me. Kinda graphic picture, but a great moment captured. She was screaming like crazy and peed all over me. I checked to make sure it was truly a girl and just sat there smiling and feeling great.

I couldn't believe she was finally here and it was so easy. She was born about 2 hours after I went into labor. And I only felt pain for the first hour!

She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20 in. long. My smallest baby by an ounce! 

The downside to the epidural for me was the fact that it didn't wear off for a few hours and I hated the numb feeling. I could kinda move my legs, but they felt tingly and heavy. I wanted to move around more like I had after Nora's birth. But it was still really nice not being in pain at all.

The kids got to come in shortly after she was born and it was fun seeing them meet their little sister for the first time. Aidan was definitely the most interested in her and wanting to hold her and love on her. 

We spent just 24 hours in the hospital before heading home. I felt pretty well and my recovery hasn't been so bad. I think all in all, I am really happy to have had the epidural experience, but am still so glad that I had natural un-medicated childbirths for the first 2. I wouldn't trade either experience and have found it pretty hard to compare them to each other. They all have been unique and special in their own way and I am pretty blessed to have had such quick labors without complication.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Our Homeschool Plan and Curriculum

As I sit here and (not so patiently) wait for the arrival of this baby, I have been busily putting together our "lesson plans" for the first few weeks of school.

The choice to homeschool was not something that I had a strong conviction about or even really desired to do at first. I honestly was thrilled at the thought of Aidan turning 5 and going off to Kindergarten. But, as time progressed, the idea of keeping him at home somehow snuck up on me and I found myself toying with the idea here and there for the past year.

First of all, we've been doing some "at home learning" already. Aidan has always been an eager learner, and his desire to learn evolved into teaching him to read and do math. As I began to spend more time teaching him, I realized how much fun I was having and how neat it was to actively watch him learn and piece together information. It has helped me bond more with him and to enjoy him more too!

Our main plan is to send him to a homeschool enrichment program 2 days a week. He will spend most of the day (9-2:15) there Monday and Wednesday. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we will do school at home and Friday will be our catch up/fun/field trip day. I wanted him to be in an enrichment program for the socialization aspect because he loves being around people. I also thought it would make our first year of formal schooling at home somewhat easier on me after having a new baby and trying to figure out our schedule. I hope that it works well for us.

A few months ago, I attended a homeschool conference in the area and was overwhelmed/excited/inspired by all the information and resources out there. I have found a lot of help online through different blogs I follow and have also connected with some other homeschool moms that have offered words of advice and direction in picking out curriculum.

I decided against going with an all-in-one curriculum this year. Mostly, the expense was a little over the top for me, but also wasn't super impressed with others. So, I decided to just piece ours together. I don't know what it will look like year to year, but this is what I chose for this year because I felt it was the most basic and required the least amount of work.

Aidan has been learning to read with an online reading program I purchased through a LivingSocial deal last summer. It is called Click N Read Phonics. Aidan loves it and it has definitely been a huge success. I sit with him for each lesson ( a must if you want them to actually learn). I think there are a total of 100 lessons and right now he is on lesson 39. We haven't been too strict about how often he does a lesson, but once we officially start school, my goal is to get 3-4 lessons done a week. The great thing about the deal I purchased was that I got a lifetime membership with unlimited number of children I can add, so I'll be able to use this with additional children.

We will continue to use his reading lessons as his main "reading" program, but I also purchased Explode the Code books 1 and 1 1/2 for some additional phonics practice. I also really like how the books get in some handwriting practice (which is a huge weakness over here). They are extremely affordable too!

For handwriting (which we have done very little of), we will be using Handwriting Without Tears. I did not purchase any of the additional accessories, but have the workbook and plan to just use that at this time.

Math is one of Aidan's favorite things. He seems to be quite the numbers guy and has been flying through basic Kindergarten workbooks this summer. Math was the hardest for me to decide on because there are so many different ways to approach it and so much to choose from! I finally decided on Singapore Math. We are going to be starting in book 1A instead of the Kindergarten ones. I am excited and I think he'll like this approach.

I decided we are going to do about 2 days of History a week (the off days when he is at home). I am going to follow Easy Peasy's Ancient History lesson plans just to give us a general timeline of history. I will probably follow this pretty loosely, but just want to have a basis for History established before I jump into it hardcore. I love the Easy Peasy blog because it gives step by step lesson plans for almost every subject. She has done a lot of work and it is a great resource for those just getting started and needing some ideas.

And last, but not absolute most anticipated subject: BIBLE! I found this great book: Long Story Short by Marty Machowski. It is just a simple devotional, but I LOVE it! It goes through the Old Testament in a very simple yet thought provoking way. I love how everything points to Jesus/the Gospel and the questions are really pertinent for all ages. I have been dying to get started, but am waiting for the beginning of school. they have the weeks set up into 5 day increments too. We will also be doing some Bible memory as we go through the letters of the alphabet (with Nora). I found corresponding verses here.

Some other things we will be doing/good resources for preschool-K:

Confessions of a Homeschooler put together an awesome pre K daily learning notebook that covers weather, days of the week, other calendar activities, letters, numbers, etc...  I plan to use some of this for both children (Nora is a little too young for some of the activities).

I also "purchased"  this preschool program last year and will probably use some of it for Nora. We will be doing a Letter/Color/Number of the week with her as she has yet to know anything beyond her colors and hasn't showed a whole lot of interest in learning. I think she will like to sit and do things with Aidan once we formally start.

Okay, that was totally long and crazy, but I thought it would be good to write out our "plan" if not only for myself....

I am totally excited, but also know that (realistically) there will be both good days and bad.

Cow Appreciation Day: CFA 2013

The things you will do for some free food (especially when it means not having to cook for your family when 9 months pregnant!)

We have now participated in Cow Appreciation Day 3 times as a family. For some reason we missed out last year and I was kinda hoping I would be snuggling a new baby in the hospital this year, but alas....not happening.

Here are our pictures from past years:


Yes, we are very original and have done pretty much the same thing each year as far as outfits go! I'm also about 7 months pregnant with Nora here!


Another fun year of dressing up for us (Aidan was 3 and Nora 10 months old)

Monday, July 8, 2013

Fourth of July

We had a really great holiday this year. Firstly, Seth and I went out to a bed and breakfast the night of the 3rd and had a nice little "last" getaway. Then, we met up with the kids and Seth's parents and spent the afternoon at the pool.

We decided it would be fun to head out to a local event and watch fireworks in the evening. It was a definite hit with the kids. There was live music and they loved dancing around in the grass while we waited for it to get dark.

I was so glad that the weather was cooler and less humid than it's been. Here's my 37 week belly which seems to get bigger by the day!

Nora was so sweet and sat reading books on the blanket for a little while. Then, she danced once the music started. I love the second photo of her loving on her little baby and dancing with her. This little girl is going to love having a baby sister, she just doesn't realize it yet!

Aidan and Seth played a lot of frisbee while we waited. While Aidan is still figuring out how to catch a frisbee, he is really good at throwing and much better than I am (which honestly isn't saying a whole lot, but still, he's only 5). :)

The fireworks lasted for about 20 minutes. It was really fun and the kids LOVED them this year. We've had some iffy years of fearfulness and uncertainty, but this is the first year I can definitely say they both loved the experience. As I'm typing this Aidan said, "Are those the fireworks? I hope I can see them again someday."