Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Deanna Rose

We finally got to spend a day at Deanna Rose where the weather was halfway decent! The kids have been asking to go for awhile, so it was a fun outing. I am so glad they are both at great ages for enjoying the farm and playing there. They never want to leave!

Nora loved the baby goats and was so sweet with them. And, yes, I realize all my pictures are of her, but Aidan rarely stays right by me and it's harder to snap his picture. He is constantly on the go!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Aidan: 5 year letter


My little boy is growing up and it's really hitting me hard. I think this is the first birthday where I really felt that "please stop growing" feeling. While it is a blast getting to know you more and more as you mature and get older, I am a little melancholy that you are now more of a "kid" and not so much a "toddler/preschooler."

I always found myself looking toward the 5 year mark with longing in those first couple years of your somewhat demanding life, but now I wish that I could go back in time and just have a few days with you again as a baby, a 1 year old, a 2, 3, and 4 year old.

Beyond the reminiscing though, I have come to really like you. Not just love you deeply (which is very true), but really like hanging out with you. You are full of life and wonder and watching you learn and develop certain skills is a fascinating process. I love the way your mind works and how quickly you catch on to things I teach you. You have a steel trap memory, so I have to be careful what I tell you because you will always remind me, even days later!

Some of my favorite things to do with you/memories we have been making:

Reading the Bible together in the mornings while we eat our breakfast (you are an enthusiastic listener)
Building Legos
Teaching you to read
Reading to you (especially some of the chapter books we have recently started)
Playing card games or board games
Teaching you to play the piano

Things I don't want to forget about you EVER:

The way you giggle
Your contagious smile (you are constantly smiling)
Your sweet cuddles (only when we read together!)
The way you are always coming up with solutions to problems
The way you help me with small things (like untying my shoes)
How you just "get music" and play things on the piano or play piano songs on the recorder
The way you light up when talking about your current obsession and the way you get very serious in explaining every single detail to me
How you want to be with me every second (even when I find this a little annoying, I know I'll miss it someday)

Aidan, you are my favorite little guy! You make life fun and exciting and I love to learn things with you. Just today we were talking about pottery and stone mills and watched YouTube clips about them. It is so fun to see your fascination with learning and to learn along with you. I am excited what this next year will bring as we start on our homeschooling journey together.

You a still a very routine guy. You like to know what is coming. You don't like change all that much and you want things the same way day in and day out: like eating p.b. and honey sandwiches for lunch, listening to one song on repeat at bedtime, having your legs rubbed a certain way, and watching t.v. in the early morning.

You are starting to show a lot more responsibility at your age. You are doing better with making your bed, getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and doing other little jobs around the house (putting clothes away, emptying silverware from dishwasher, picking up toys).

You are a lover of people and definitely an extrovert. You can play outside all day in the freezing cold as long as you have a friend with you. You never get tired of being with other kids and you are always being friendly (yelling to anyone within earshot). You are very good at including people and your main goal with friends is to have fun.

You are becoming more sensitive to the Lord and I love listening to you regurgitate Biblical knowledge. You love going to church, and you also love reading the Bible. Whenever we read about the things Jesus did during His time on earth you say, "I believe in these miracles." I love hearing your statements of faith in God as you grow and mature in your knowledge of Him. I pray that one day you come to know Him very personally and intimately.

Aidan, my biggest prayer for you is that you would love the Lord with all your heart, be confident in who you were made to be, and live out your full potential. I pray that you will pursue your talents and gifts and that I will help you become the young man you are destined to be.

I love you forever and always,



Nora is all around the "girly-girl." She is always playing princess, dressing up, doing "ballet," and changing her clothes about 7 times a day (we're working on this one).

I was cracking up the other day when she was being "tinkerbell" and she started doing a spread eagle in the kitchen. She smiled up at me and said, "I'm doing the splits!" I had never taught the word or concept to her, so I was pretty surprised, but also pretty tickled. I grabbed my camera to try and capture her "splits" and "dancing." She is pretty certain she wants to be a ballerina (and she always insists that her ballet shoe ties are kept tied neatly in little bows).

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Aidan: 5 year interview

Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Toy: Legos
Favorite Tv Show: Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Favorite thing to eat for Lunch: meat, cheese, and crackers
Favorite Game: Super Mario Galaxy
Favorite Animal: Turtle
Favorite Song: Mario theme
Favorite Book: Ultraheroes comics
Favorite snack: Saltines
Favorite thing to do outside: Play baseball
What do you like to take to bed with you: Blankie and Woody
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast: Bagel and cream cheese
What is your favorite food: Hot dog
What do you want to be when you grow up: Fireman
What is your favorite instrument: Drum
What is your favorite place to go: Zonkers
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy: Play baseball and on the Wii
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy: Legos
What is your favorite season: Summer because we swim

Monday, April 8, 2013

Aidan's Super Mario Party!

Okay, so I jumped on the band wagon of themed birthday parties and went above and beyond my normal "keep it simple" mantra. It was one evening of browsing Pinterest that did me in with all the fun ideas. I just kept saying to myself, "oh, I have to do that!" and "that is simple to make, I can do that too!" Before I knew it, I was planning a party that was way above and beyond my 6 month pregnant self. :)

Sidenote: I know that this is not like an amazing party like some I view daily on the web, but for me, it was a big deal...so yeah, I set the bar kinda low (and am not ashamed about it).

So, first of all, I decided to make a pinata. Because, hey, I made one in 1st grade and remember in detail how much fun it was, so it should be a breeze. Note to self or any others thinking to do this project: start at least 5 days in advance so you aren't still decorating the day of the party! It was fairly simple, and I assumed Aidan would want to help, but he lasted through ripping the newspaper into strips and putting the first piece on...then he just wanted to wash the goop off his hands and do something else. I continued at it, day after day, layer after layer, until I had an aching back and a large ballon shaped paper mache ball to work with. The day of the party, I stuffed it with goodies (fruit snacks, fake coins, and fireballs), painted it black, added eyes, mouth, and tissue paper all over.... and then glued on the black paper chain. I then left the rest to the husband, who drilled a couple holes in it and got it rigged up the right way for the hitting to commence. 

Oh the finished project! I can hardly stand the fact that all my hard work is now smashed to pieces!

Since Aidan is obsessed with Mario, and I mean obsessed, we decided to have Seth (the husband) dress up like Bowser (the ultimate Mario villain). So we rigged up a cardboard shell, spray painted it and put party hats in it for spikes. I then used an old sweater I had lying around to make a hat with felt horns. It was a hit! Not too scary or overdone, but enough to make every child at the party stop in their tracks. I'm pretty sure Bowser's appearance was the biggest talk of the town for the next few days. :)

We had "Bowser" come and "kidnap" the Princess (a.k.a Nora) while the kids were playing in the yard. We had music cued up and everything which was really funny. I SO SO WISH WE HAD VIDEOTAPED IT! Seriously. It was hilarious. And Aidan got so into it while most of the other kids just stood there trying to figure out what in the world was going on.  He was chasing after Bowser and fighting him with everything he had in him. Of course, all the adults were cracking up at this point.

Then we had all the kids go on a quest to save the Princess. I started out by giving them each Mario hats that I sewed as party favors. Not all the kids wanted to wear one at this point, so we just let them do what they wanted (obviously). Oh, and we had one Luigi (Aidan's sweet friend from church that came  dressed for the occasion).

Our first "level" was to find Yoshi eggs that we had hidden in the front yard and filled with fake coins. This was a cooperative level and they all seemed to like it. We spray painted our Easter eggs white and dotted them with green paint. 

The next level involved them, lining up and going through a small obstacle course (tunnel, jumping over logs, and then smashing the Goombas). We made Goombas (another Mario theme) with balloons and they smashed them. I wish I had taken a close up of the faces I drew on them!

Can I just say I love this age? The boys were great and they were all so into each game. I was afraid at first they would think I was nuts, but they all got into the theme. In order to defeat Bowser they needed to get fire power by attacking the Chain Chomp (the pinata). Hence, the reason for the fireball candy. 

Then Bowser appeared again and started bouncing on the trampoline. I made "fire balls" out of old socks rolled up and tied with red fleece that I cut to make look like flames. These were perfect for throwing and no one could get hurt. They each had one and kept throwing them at Seth. I think this might have been the favorite game as "Bowser" kept throwing them back until he was finally defeated and offered up gold stars (stars I cut from that fun foam stuff). 

Again, hilarious to watch. 

So, then Mario came out with the Princess and all was saved! 

Then, we went inside to open presents. They were all so sweet and great during this part (which can sometimes be a nightmare). I was really impressed with all the boys.

And, then some playing outside while waiting for pizza for dinner. We had the party from 4:30-7:00 on his actual birthday so we decided to serve dinner. The boys were also pretty hungry after all the games!

Then we had pizza, followed by cake and ice cream! I made the cake using some little KNEX Mario motorcycles we bought for Aidan as a birthday present. I am not a cake decorator by any means, so I was pretty happy with the end result. I made some toadstool cupcakes to go along with the cake in case we didn't have enough.

And then I sent home some star cookies and fireballs along with the Mario hats as party favors!

All in all, it was a great party! I was pretty wiped out at the end, but glad that I pulled off everything. The kids talked about it for days so I think it was quite the hit. Don't know if I'll do it again next year or go for something more simple, but it was worth it.

Can't believe my big boy is 5 already!

Easter 2013

This year I had the privilege of hosting everyone at our house for Easter. We decided to paint our kitchen the week before so we would have a fresh look.  I love the new color and it was perfect for our Easter lunch. We had 10 people (8 adults, 2 children), so we opted for 2 tables because we didn't have one big enough. I painted some mason jars and chose burlap and lace for my other table (2 very simple diy projects).

They day started out with Seth heading off to church early to play music in the 2 services while I stayed home with the kids and got ready to attend the later service. I tried snapping a few pictures of the kids before we left, but was unsuccessful. Aidan looks like he is being tortured. :)

Nora was pretty excited to wear her new sandals to church. I even painted her toenails which was a huge deal for her and she proudly showed them to her classroom teacher. I am so glad it was a sunny day!

After church we spent some time waiting for our family to show up. The kids played in the back of the truck and Nora destroyed her neatly braided hair and headband.

Did I mention that I am so excited that I finally got a new lens for my camera? :) And that my husband looks great with a beard?

My mom was the first to arrive and the kids were so happy to see her because she had been gone for 2 weeks in Israel. Nora, my affectionate one, was ready with a big hug for her "Mimi."

After everyone arrived, we started grilling the meat and getting the other food warmed up and ready. I was actually mostly prepared and had little to do on the actual day which was great for me. We had a nice relaxing lunch and spend the rest of the day outside jumping on the trampoline (I think almost everyone took a turn with the kids--except me that is) and enjoying the sunshine. We had a small egg hunt with the kids and also painted some eggs although I think the real highlight of the day was the leisurely afternoon sitting outside enjoying everyone's company.