So much has happened in the last week or so. A couple weeks ago Aidan was getting his bottom molars in and was a little cranky, but he really perked up and was super happy and pleasant this past week. Praise the Lord!
Our little Mr. Personality has been quite busy lately. He is getting to be so smart and seems to understand so much about his little world. He really wants to climb on everything right now, but thankfully his little legs are still to short to allow him easy access to high heights. Aidan loves to play outside and asks for "bu-bu" (bubbles) all the time. He loves loves loves to eat, especially yogurt! He has been learning to eat with a spoon, but is still needing some practice as this picture shows.

Aidan also loves to "help" me with various household tasks. I have begun to realize that he may never play with "toys" again. Here he is "mopping" the floor. I discovered him doing this completely all on his own initiative the other day.

My brother Nathan and his family, including Aidan's cousin Xan, are visiting from Canada right now and Aidan has been delighted to have a playmate. The boys have been really sweet with each other for the most part. It is fun to watch the two little toddlers running around and trying to communicate in baby talk with each other.
This past week, Aidan had a few playdates with friends. Here are Aidan and his friend Davis on the couch. We were attempting a cute pic with the two of them, but Davis, being just 9 months old, wanted to eat Aidan's face more than pose.

On the 4th, Aidan was 15 months old. I can't believe how much he has grown up this past month. He is all over the place and getting into things all the time. Just a few days ago, I discovered that he threw one of my bras into his diaper champ and it got stuck. As I was trying to get it out of the stupid contraption, Aidan wandered into the bathroom where he discovered that he could open the toilet lid and play in the water. Needless to say, the bathroom is now off limits! Aidan can be such a little stinker sometimes, but he is also very loving too. He gives such sweet little hugs at random times and I love it. He still loves his blankie like crazy and wants it all the time. He is getting really good at signing to me and his newest word is "thank you". He is very good at responding when you ask him for certain words. Aidan also loves to "help" do tasks around the house. He is so curious and loves to be involved in everything I do. He loves climbing up in the dishwasher, trying to sweep the floor,climbing in the laundry basket, watching the mixer or blender, looking in the stove to see the "hah" (hot) food, and throwing all sorts of things in the trash. Aidan still really loves dogs and also loves to watch the birds when we go out on our walks. Aidan continues to be extremely social and loves to be out and about. He is definitely not a homebody unless he is ready to sleep! Just this morning at church he was walking all around and saying "hi" to everybody, even hugging random stranger's legs. He also found a half-full cup of coffee that someone left on the floor and proceeded to dump it down himself in an attempt to drink it. Luckily, it wasn't hot, but he ended up with a great coffee stain down his shirt. Crazy child!
Last night was the 4th of July Celebration at church and Aidan had an absolute blast! He is so crazy and loves to be anywhere where there is a huge crowd of people. He is not intimidated in the least. He and Xan were playing with a bubble machine for awhile. So cute!

My big boy!

Did someone say Mr. Personality?

Listening to the band with "Papi"

So confident....loved dancing in front even though everywhere was sitting far away.

Sweet little baby mullet of curls

How I love my sweet little guy! He was so fun this weekend and super sweet. We spent Sunday (today) with Seth's family because his grandparents (Aidan's greats) were in town. It was a lovely relaxing day and Aidan was so fun to watch. He started "mooing" tonight after reading his favorite cow book and it was too precious. He also has been doing the rooster sound for awhile now too. As I was putting him in bed tonight I rocked him for a second and sang "Jesus Loves Me" while I patted his back. He started sweetly patting my back too and making cute little happy noises and he cuddled against me. Memories like these I will treasure forever.
Well, I think this humongous post has finally reached its end. Goodnight folks.