Aidan is now eating finger foods, or at least starting to. He can pick up Cheerios and crackers off his tray now. And, the best part about it is that he loves it! So, when Mommy needs a little downtime from chasing him around the house, the Cheerios come out and all is right in the world. :)
Aidan also has a new infatuation with trash cans. Even if he is in an entirely different room he always immediately crawls as fast as he can towards the kitchen to get to the trash can. I chase him, retrieve him, tell him "no", and we start the whole game over again. Just a couple weeks ago it was the shoes at the front door. We have now blocked that off, but the kitchen is open. I am trying to figure out how to gate off the kitchen without it being a huge pain. Some of the obstacles we have created to keep Aidan out of things make walking a little difficult at times.
I really do love my little boy even more every day though. Some days he just gets in to things all day and requires so much energy, but I still love spending that time with him. I have learned a lot about just relaxing and being with him if he needs me. Now, most of the time, he can play by himself, but some days he just need to be held and loved on. On these days I just have to let the house go, not worry about taking a shower, and just be with him. He is really so sweet and I don't want to miss these days because I am too busy to sit still and just watch him play. It won't be long until I won't have a baby to cradle and rock, a little one who wants to be fed, who loves to be held, who smiles at me like I am his world...Even though I hope to have many more babies in life, Aidan will only be my very first baby once...and I don't want to forget, or miss, a thing.