Okay... so the last post was still supposed to be in progress, but Seth was helping me with the photos and went ahead and posted it without my knowledge. So... I'm finishing what I started.
Where was I? Oh yeah...so we spent the night with the Beckman's. Aidan was such a little noisemaker that night and I hardly slept (I am so not used to him sleeping near us!). Anyway, he woke up earlier than normal, so I picked him up and let him sleep on me in our bed. I was actually rather surprised that he did since he is so NOT a cuddler anymore. He used to lay on us, but he is very independent about sleeping now and wants to just lay in his bed. So,I enjoyed the cuddle time despite the early morning hour.
Since we were a little tired, we took it easy in the morning, letting Aidan nap and got ready to head back to Siloam for the day. We arrived in time for lunch and had a lovely picnic on the quad. Aidan liked being outside and got to experience grass for the first time. We also attempted to get a family picture, but weren't terribly successful.
Our only good picture
The choir reunion was great. We had a long practice and then the choir concert that evening. It was good to see so many old friends again. Aidan was a little charmer and survived the day on very little sleep.
That night, we stayed in Siloam with some friends of my parents. I got to enjoy another early morning cuddle, but this time Aidan slept next to me. I couldn't help but watch him the whole time in wonder. His is so adorable and growing up so fast. Those early mornings were probably the highlight of the trip for me. :)
Aidan swinging with Daddy
We left pretty early to head home on Sunday morning. Aidan was a little less happy on the trip home and had a couple of meltdowns that resulted in some good naps, but was definitely not as pleasant that day. I don't blame him for being cranky after getting very little sleep all weekend. I'm surprised it took him three days to protest.
Well, that's that. The End.